I want to thank everyone for reading and participating in the 40 Days and 40 Nights Beauty Cult Classics series.
Special thanks goes out to Patti(aka Cavewoman),Leah(Griff),Ceil (Tussah), Michelle from All Lacquered Up, Marianne from Koneko's Beauty Diary and Melanie Parker(DQ2) for writing some fabulous reviews.
Extra hugs goes out to birthday girl Melanie Parker for creating the cool graphic.
20 Inspired Comments:
This was such a great series--so fun to read. I shall miss it.
loved this blog!!! i will always refer to it when i want some classics
I hate the fact that this is over!!! I have been looking forward to it daily! On the upside, I have found a new most favorite blog! Thanks blogdorf!
I'm so sad that your cult classic series is over. I also looked forward to it daily. It was a great idea! Thank you and keep up the great work!
I, too, am sad that this series is over. I have looked forward to each new entry. I suppose it couldnt go on forever, but I have enjoyed both the content and the writing.
Thank you for the 40 days and nights series. I really enjoyed it!
I can't believe it's over! There's always next year, I suppose. I look forward to that greatly.
You're very welcome, Ann. It was a fun series and I'm glad you saved the best one for last. Having more than 40 comments on the 40th day was a great send-off to the series. I'm going to miss these cult classics. It was a great idea!
I'm so sad for it to be over...
more please!
I really enjoyed this series - so sad it's over :(
40 days/40nights has been a huge source of inspiration and I am definitely going to shop for some of the mentioned items :D
I LOVED this series of posts! It's been a while since I have been so impressed with a blog! Your posts are unparalleled!!!
This series was incredible. I enjoyed it a great deal and am sad to see it go. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with the regular Blogdorf Goodman postings. I look forward to the return to the blog's regular programming =D
I loved the series - so sad to see that it's already over!
:) It was a totally brill idea, btw!
This was a truly inspired (and inspiring -- I now know better than to wait to grab my goodies!) series of posts! Thanks so much for sharing all the cult love! Great job!
i loved reading them. thank YOU!
I don't post to blogs a great deal, but I had to let you know that I have thoroughly enjoyed your 40 Days and 40 Nights Beauty Cult Classic Series. I'm so sorry it's over! I was already a big fan of your blog, but I must admit that you've inspired me to spend a huge chunk of my beauty budget on items featured in this special series. Thanks to you, I now own Pout Apricot Totty, L'Oreal Showstopping Taupes, and a sample of Luctor et Emergo, and am better for the experience! Thanks to you, I've felt an unearned sense of superiority (more than once) whenever you featured a cult fave that I already owned! ;-)
I hope that, right this moment, you are planning your next special cult-fave series. Even if you aren't, I will continue to look forward to your blog each day. I will continue to be a dedicated reader! Keep up the good work, and (since I am a NEO girl as well) perhaps I will run into you at the famed Woodmere TJMaxx! :-)
I loved the series! Thanks for bringing it to us, it was really informative and helpful! I refer to it @ least two or 3 times a week.
This was the best series yet, and believed me I enjoyed them all.
Your blog is my homepage. (Too much, huh? LOL). And the "40 days" series just took it over the top. I could not wait for new posts...Very sad it is over.
What about doing something along similar lines? Maybe a collection of cult fragrances? lipsticks? polishes? fragrances?
What about beauty sins (nail biting, pimple squeezing, etc) and dealing with them?
Thank you for your blog. It's fab.
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