Blogdorf Roadshow:
This is a pin that has been a mystery to me for years.
Yesterday I discovered a similar one at a local antique store with a price tag of $250.
I was delighted not by the price but by the fact that I might finally learn more about my piece. I love doing detective work.
It is the Nancy Drew in me.
My pin has a patent pending mark along with a very faint signature.
There is also some type of mark in the center.
I am going to visit a jeweler soon to see if I can borrow a loop.
Until then...anyone have any ideas?

5 Inspired Comments:
I will bring my jeweler's loupe this week when we go make our photos. And we must get one for you, they are indispensible.
Is it Costume? Maybe Sarah Coventry? Coro? But I don't think Coro did alot of jeweled things... Hope you find out!!!
This pin is spectacular!
Hi! I have been enjoying your blog very much. I love cosmetics. As a long-time collector of vintage costume jewelry, I was pleasantly surprised to see that subject mentioned when you posted a pic of your pretty rhinestone pin. I believe it is likely to be from Marcel Boucher. I have seen very similar designs by that company, and will be glad to refer you to another web page with a photo I saw, if you like. Warm regards, Lin Bates
No ideas but I love it.
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