Blogdorf Goodman Poll
Mood: Bruised heart... but I am on the mend.
Fragrance: Frederic Malle's Iris Poudre
Music: White Stripes Conquest(From Icky Thumb)
He was out to make a conquest
Didn't care what harm was done
Just as long as he won the prize
Conquest- She was just another conquest
Didn't care whose heart was broke
Love to him was a joke
'til he looked into her eyes
And then in the strange way things happen
The roles were reversed from that day
The hunted became the huntress
The hunter became the prey
Lipstick: I am struggling with the choice. I have no clue which one to go with.

Dream Handbag: This changes weekly. Right now I want a Marc Jacob's Blake bag on the cheap. My all time dream bag is any Marc Jacobs bag in Emerald. This was their kelly green almost clover shade. Will I ever shut up about this handbag?
Where do you want to be right now?: Hanging out with my Brooklyntbone. I miss my little buddy.
Drink of Choice today: Coffee with Bluberry Cobbler Creamer
Special Skill: Nancy Drew detective skills.
What are your plans for this weekend?
I am finally going to get a cell phone. Many of my friends are reading this entry and are falling over in a state of shock. Some might be clutching their hearts.
I enjoyed getting lost and being unreachable.
Now...I guess I want to be found.
Does anyone have any helpful hints or recs for a specific phone?

What do you want right now? A love like this...but without the booze, drugs and drama.
Credits: Fashionspot and Blogdorf Goodman
19 Inspired Comments:
*hugs* I recommend Ally McBeal albums for broken hearts (if you want I can email you the songs across!)
Mood: Shattered. 6am mornings is okay once a month. But not twice in a week. Along with a few 1am, 3am, 4am's.
Fragrance: Bvlgari omnia (the first sample spary i found on my desk- nice but i'm not thinking it a good hangover one so i might crawl back to my old faithful of demeter G&T
Music: Candyman- Christina Aguilera
Lipstick: [I have no clue which one to go with.] I'd say vampy, "break my heart & I'll kick you arse" red
For me this is MAC Viva Galm IV since I own 2 lipsticks (i'm a lipgloss gal... so its coated with the new MAC Tendertone in Purring (yep orange lipbalm really works!)
Mascara: Ol'Faithful Bare E weather everything (drunken tears of joy or sad and the early morning eyerubbing of 'is it bed time yet')
Dream Handbag: I'm not really a bag gal.... I like my bags simple I think.... But I like the idea of the Blake bag cause... well a bag with ones name is just cool!
Where do you want to be right now?: In bed. Asleep. (its midday!). I should be working. Or tidying. Or anything thats not on the computer!)
Drink of Choice today: Lucozade, diet coke, diet pepsi, red bull, coffee (can ya see a theme yet? :D)
Special Skill: [Nancy Drew detective skills.]= oooo so cool!!
I want super tidy skills since i need to start packing my room up!
What are your plans for this weekend? Drink & be merry. Tidy, Tidy, Sort, Sort. Work in bar. Avoid buying more lipgloss....
[Does anyone have any helpful hints or recs for a specific phone?] Depends what you are looking for in a phone.... I like pink phones so I'm looking at nokia 7373 (http://www.nokia.co.uk/A4252025) or Samsung e900 (https://shop.o2.co.uk/phone/Samsung/E900_Pink).
But thinking about it theres only one phone for a gal like you... the new LG one... my dear you need a PRADA phone! (http://www.pradaphonebylg.com/)
What do you want right now? A topless male cleaner....
p.s. I'm happy to send over the Ally songs if you want- I listened to those albums on repeat when I'm down.. nice mix of sad and perkyness
*thud* Congrats on getting a cell phone! Hooray!
Mood: pretty good this morning.
Fragrance: I Profumi Di Firenze Florentia #22 Pesca E Fiori. It always reminds me of Andrea, one of the first NYers we met from the makeupalley.
Music: Matt Lauer's voice on The Today Show. Later, in my car, Earth Wind and Fire.
Lipstick: Benefit Rush Hour. I've been wearing this alot lately.
Mascara: Revlon 3D
Dream Bag: I don't crave any super-high end bags, and I would have to say that any Kors tote is fine by me. Especially if found on a sale rack at TJMaxx. But I wouldn't turn down a Blake if I found one marked down!
Where would I want to be right now? Standing in front of a sale rack of Diane Von Furstenberg dresses, which are marked down to a ridiculously low price and are all in my size! Heehee!
Drink: Coffee with blueberry cobbler creamer.
Skill: I can sew. Really well. I can pad a lapel that would make Armani himself weep tears of joy.
Weekend plans: Graduation party, and then the dedication party at my parish for our new parish center. With our new bishop presiding!
Phone: I'm happy with Cellular One but I know it's not very popular.
What Do I Want Right Now? World peace and a cute pair of Stuart Weitzman printed canvas espadrilles.
I'm as deep as a plate today.
I can understand the bruised heart. I am in the exact same place. Those song lyrics are amazing. I can't wait to go buy that song from iTunes. Feel better and have a good weekend!
PS I have a motorola Razr...if it weren't for the hot pink color, I would probably get a different phone. This one already broke once in less than a year and had to be replaced by the manufacturer.
Mood: ready for the weekend!
Fragrance: nada today. i have fragrance issues in this climate (dc). although i read an old allure about the chanel's coco tribute frangrances and i am now DYING to try bel respiro (anyone tried it?), fresh cut grass and summer go together. now going to check out demeter...
Music: weather report. and lil mama's lip gloss song!
Lipstick: smith's minted rosebud lip blam. LOVES it.
Mascara: ugh. at work = wearing kissme mascara. i don't like, but it's good for work.
Dream Bag: still craving the dooney zebra tote. cannot rationalize it...
Where would I want to be right now? on the beach.
Drink: cooled honey and lemon tea. yummo.
Skill: the gift of gab. obviously.
Weekend plans: cancelled. so now i'm up for whatever and still trying to make plans.
Phone: i like my sprint katana. the blackberry i have for work is also a BAD addiction.
What Do I Want Right Now? go perfume shopping.
aw, forget the phone. Who bruised our Annie's heart? Hangin's too good for the so-and-so.
Mood: Irked. Work is getting on my nerves.
Fragrance: Fresh Hesperides eau de parfum
Music: "It's Not Over" - Daughtry
Lipstick: Murad Energizing Pomegranate Lip Therapy SPF 15, topped with DyuWop Elixrstix in Serenity. I think I might switch to DHC's Moisture Care LipGloss in LGB04 later.
Mascara: BADGal Lash
Dream Handbag: I want a luxurious animal-print handbag. Preferably, leopard print, but snakeskin would work, too.
Where do you want to be right now?: Lounging on the couch, snuggling with my husband and daughter, watching TV.
Drink of Choice today: Vanilla nut coffee
Special Skill: I have very fluid hips. And a nose like a bloodhound.
What are your plans for this weekend?
Graduation party for a friend who's getting her master's degree. Church. Father's Day celebrating.
Does anyone have any helpful hints or recs for a specific phone? Nope.
What do you want right now? More money.
Mood: Impatient.
Fragrance: Bond No. 9 West Side
Music: I have a horrible earworm...I can't even bear to mention it.
Lipstick: B Never Too Busy to Be Beautiful lip cream in Blast
Mascara: None
Dream Handbag: I saw one in the Prada shop about two years ago, fabric with a faded fantasy landscape in blue, and black trim...
Where do you want to be right now?: Dublin
Drink of Choice today: Coffee
Special Skill: Visual memory
What are your plans for this weekend: Writing my dissertation
I finally bought my first cell phone just a few months ago. We are the last of the last!
Hi all!
Mood: tired but good (working in the garden)
Music: Donna the Buffalo
Lipstick: Armani #7 shine (nude dark coral)
Mascara: Armani Maestro
No dream handbag :( something cute but functional
I want to be at: a spa getting a massage
Drink: coffee w/cream
Skills: Handweaving, handspinning
Plans: See dad on Sunday
Phone: I'm happy w/Verizon
Want: I'd like to be fit again, but I'd like it to happen overnight
I am so excited that you are finally getting a cell phone. Get the data package for texting and you will be all set. Start picking out your ringtone! I have the Project(red) RAZR and I love it. No problems at all with Sprint PCS. This pink one is calling your name!
P.S. I like vanilla nut better than this blueberry cobble flavored creamer *hides*
Mood: optimistic about the future (I've been waiting for this feeling for a long time - hang in there, "on the mend" will lead to this feeling in time =) )
Fragrance: fragrance on the cheap - B&BW grapefruit spray (I wish Body Shop had a similar spray - I love their new grapefruit scented line much more)
Music: Outkast, "Morris Brown"
Lipstick: shiny, clear MAC lipglass
Mascara: Lancome Fatale
Dream Handbag: that Derek Lam "Hildegard" hobo that's making the blog rounds right now
Where do you want to be right now?: at Disneyland
Drink of Choice today: Venti soy latte
Special Skill: debugging mysql syntax errors
What are your plans for this weekend? taking my BFF to an invitation-only fall cosmetics preview at Nordstrom on Saturday
What do you want right now?: a lover, not a true love, for right now
Does anyone have any helpful hints or recs for a specific phone? Your needs are probably a little different from mine, but I have a Palm Treo (mine's an old one, a 650) that I love. I have a web browser so I can read email from wherever, the camera is more than decent, and I have a lot of other applications (games, etc) - it's almost like carrying a mini computer. However, it's a little on the large side, and not at all cute - I love it for its functionality, not its style. :)
Mood: light
Fragrance: Ouiseau "Charmer"
Music: Young Folks (Peter, Bjorn and John(
Lipstick: Dior Plastic Gloss #354
Mascara: Dior's Blackout applied with tester wands collected from MAC and Sephora
Dream Handbag: YSL Uptown bag
Where do you want to be right now?: I dunno, here is good. I'd take Paris, though.
Drink of Choice today: diet Sam's Choice cola (best diet soda ever)
Special Skill: great intuition for directions
What are your plans for this weekend?
cleaning house, pedicure, memorial service for a co-worker's mother
Does anyone have any helpful hints or recs for a specific phone?
I just read about the Sprint SERO plan (employee referral) and so many people love it:
Here's how you can get it:
But then again, the iPhone comes out in a couple of weeks...it's $599, though.
What do you want right now? lemon sorbet
Mood: Annoyed at the heat.
Music: ABBA
Lipstick: Fresh Sugar Lip Balm
Mascara: None
Dream Handbag: Vivienne Westwood large winter tartan handbag
Where do you want to be right now?: Paris, devouring stinky, runny, unpasteurized cheese.
Drink of Choice today: Lemonade with Hornitos tequlia and a rather pirate-y rum
Special Skill: Karaoke
Plans for the Weekend: Nordstrom summer trend show tomorrow at 8AM! I've been looking forward to this. Then, lots and lots of sewing.
Sorry, can't help with cell phone recs. Mine is 3 years old and I'm considering the iPhone though I know it's pricey and not the best idea to get Apple products at launch ;)
What do you want right now: Food. I guess my mood should have been "hungry." Delicious Korean food awaits!
Mood: finally feeling better after a sick day
Fragrance: none, really.
Music: anything soft
Lipstick: Estee Venetian Plum
Mascara: Bourjois Longeur Sublime in burgundy
Dream Handbag: The Marc Jacobs one with all the huge jewels on it.
Where do you want to be right now?: Hmm, feeling all better, then shopping for Fathers day gift at bookstore.
Drink of Choice today: Powerade due to sick day
Special Skill: I can sell and spin( but all in a good honest way)
What are your plans for this weekend: getting in my pool
What do i want right now- to feel all better, and completely lose the nerves over my upcoming trip to Paris. any positive thoughts appreciated. I love to travel, but am a nervous one.
and , make my doggie feel all better, we are waiting for bloodwork.
Cell Phone_ really if you've never had one, go basic. but get a camera phone, they are worth it.
I use it to call and get calls , thats it. nothing fancy, although the web news on it has come in handy .
Have a great weekend all, I had no internet for 3 days so I am way behind
hiya, just thought this link would be helpful to you when choosing cell phones:
Hope you're feeling better! Have a great weekend =]
Mood: Drained. Whooo, migraine!
Fragrance: Nothing- but if I was wearing anything, it would probably be my Milk Moon perfume oil. Nice and comforting.
Music: Rufus Wainwright - Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk
Lipstick: Whip stick lip balm from Lush.
Mascara: None, due to glasses.
Dream Handbag: A sky-blue leather Coach bag.
Where do you want to be right now?: Probably out bar-hopping, but I'm not feeling all that well.
Drink of Choice today: Water. Just lots and lots of water.
Special Skill: Knitting!
What are your plans for this weekend?: A day of rest, then a day of work.
Does anyone have any helpful hints or recs for a specific phone?: I have a Razr that I'm perfectly happy with for the moment, despite what others say. It's nice to have something that can fit so well in a pocket for work.
What do you want right now?: To hear back on a couple of job interviews (One is for selling makeup!)
Mood: angst-y
Fragrance: L'Eau D'Issey
Music: Destination Cabiria (on loop in my head; it's the last song that I heard on the radio)
Lipstick: Shu Uemura Rouge Unlimited, the gold artist shade one topped with MAC's Pink Grapefruit
Mascara: DiorShow Black mascara
Dream Handbag: At the moment it's LV Soufflot but I don't which colour. Wanna help me decide? I've got a red Epi Speedy (the small one)
Where do you want to be right now?: Somewhere sunnier and warmer than where I am today.
Drink of Choice today: Mountain Fresh Apple and Mango juice
Special Skill:
What are your plans for this weekend? Go to my father inlaw's birthday dinner, cook dinner for friends on Sunday (lasagna with greek salad)
[Does anyone have any helpful hints or recs for a specific phone?] I quite like my Sony Ericsson phone which has a 3.2 MP camera and the most decent flash out there. Not sure what model it is but if you were to go to the sony ericcson site, it's there; it's the only with a 3.2 MP camera :)
What do you want right now? A few things. One of which is Peter Alexander pyjamas. The other is...a secret!
Thanks Eva!
I have been listening to the Smiths and Interpol for my pouting and moping. This week I have moved toward listening to all my White Stripes CDS.
I think I need some get mad music instead of Ally McBeal. I need to get over this one.
Thanks everyone for their suggestions. I got a cell phone. It is nothing fancy but it is green.
Ah yes, but only a truly gorgeous woman could inhabit melancholy in such a stylish manner!
Not that I would know lately that of which I speak, but the MOJO 'Love Will Tear You Apart' compilation is a pretty winning soundtrack in that regard.
PS what an irresistible poll! My answers:
Mood: A little bored.
Fragrance: As always, Cartier 'Baiser du Dragon' with Rich Hippie 'Bohemian Wedding' over it.
Music: See above.
Lipstick: Cranberry lip balm.
Mascara: Chanel.
Dream Handbag:
A Birkin bag, I suppose.
Where do you want to be right now?: Antwerp, Dublin or Berlin
Drink of Choice today:
Iced spice tea.
Special Skill:
Emotional masochism.
What are your plans for this weekend?
Friend's country house.
What do you want right now?
Just a touch of clairvoyance.
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