Let Me Introduce You To Mr Edward Bess...
This weekend we made a pit stop at Bergdorf Goodman. Griffie, Erika from Makeup Bag and I were strolling the beauty floor when we stumbled across Mr Bess. He was making a personal appearance at the store. Mr Bess is a dashing 21 year old with a great eye for beauty. He has created a quality line that looks spectacular and performs magnificently. The packaging looks like lacquered bento boxes.
Griffie caved on the Midnight Bloom lipstick and Deep Shine Lip Gloss in Bare Rose. Midnight Bloom is a gorgeous red that is scented with wild fig. It contains a heavy dose of vitamin A and E, silicon, ginkgo biloba extract and magical polymers. The lippie was highly emollient, applies like a dream and has great lasting power.

The Bare Rose lipgloss was Griffie's Holy Grail gloss. It lit up her face like no other lippie. She loved the lasting power and was impressed with how pigmented it was. This is the secret weapon in his lip wardrobe.
The Bare Rose lipgloss was Griffie's Holy Grail gloss. It lit up her face like no other lippie. She loved the lasting power and was impressed with how pigmented it was. This is the secret weapon in his lip wardrobe.
Mr Bess's cosmetic line is currently exclusive to Bergdorf Goodman. He plans to expand the line with mascara, bronzers and fragrances.
I can not wait to see what he comes up with. His attention to detail and passion for beauty just charmed the socks off of me.
I can not rave enough.
I can not rave enough.
Visit Mr Bess at http://www.edwardbess.com/
and cave on his products at Bergdorf Goodman. Call 1-888-774-2424.
Credits: Blogdorf Goodman
Labels: Bergdorf Goodman, Edward Bess
39 Inspired Comments:
He is adorable, and I felt very old when I met him in person! Wait, you were in NYC this weekend...?
Huh? Buy cosmetics from a 21 year old?? What is his story?
Isn't he so cute?, and yes sooo young. can't beleive he has own line, but it looks fantastic. Saw him and it when at BGs once but didn't get to test it.
Need to do that next visit.
Stanzi: I was!!
I am coming back this tuesday for the Total Beauty launch. I will email you now!
Anon: It is hard to not get sidetracked by his age, but this cosmetic line was truly impressive. The quality is very high. I am looking forward to seeing what he can do with fragrance. I expect great things from this man.
BA: He was a charmer and a lot of fun to dish with! He was lovely looking and instantly took a great shot. I am guessing that modeling might be in his background.
He's most likely gay but wow, he's really pretty.
How old did you say this kid is? Whose money did he use to 'create' his make-up line? I'm sorry I don't believe in infant prodigies (except in music).
21 did you say....
I need me a sugah daddy!
not saying that is his situation. but dayum What 21 yr old has these type connections> debuting at Bergdorf's
The products look gorgeous! I will definitely try them next time I'm in NYC. I'm not that unnerved by his age, though -- Poppy King started her first line at 18 and she's genius. I'll bet Aerin Lauder has been influencing her grandmother's empire since her young 20s. Tho' I don't want to fall for a 21-year-old pretty front man but trust Blogdorf and gals' recs :].
People, don't be so bitter and jealous! Who cares if it was his daddy's money or not? Even if it was, would it be better if he blew it on something awful (that apparently a lot of children of rich parents do). Would you be happier if he spent it on drugs?
His collection looks fantastic, as does he! I would absolutely love to sample his cosmetics! Good for him.
I'm not bitter, nor am I jealous, just very very skeptical and rather fed up with unexperienced kiddies getting lionized. They all have rich and/or famous parents.
I couldn't care less what he spends his money on. I should have such worries. LOL!
I've seen mad reviews on his lippies. Nice to get an "on the ground" report.
Hmm.. yes, give us more details on this Mr. Bess! It is very striking that he should be so young!!
xox Girl and the City
He looks like a character from "Gossip Girl."
Anonymous #1: My sentiments exactly.
"Anonymous (#2) said...
He's most likely gay but wow, he's really pretty."
Um, gee, ya think?
Annietown: Yes, I do remember a publication (I think it was the NYTimes) doing a piece on him and his background IS in modeling. I think he was only 20 at the time and at first I thought it was a big joke. The collection looks pretty yawn-worthy and the prices make me rather skeptical.
Gablesgirl: Please don't compare him to Poppy King; it's like comparing the Monkees to the Beatles.
Who would have thought such opins about Edward Bess?! Now I've got to get up to NYC and see if his collection delivers the goods.
So young!
Looks really professional and nice (the line!)
I'll have to check it out!
I had heard about this line yet had glossed over his age... and now I am going to gloss right on over the products. If I'm doing boutique line beauty, I am so going for someone who either has experience with products (didn't Poppy King start wearing red lipstick at 6 or something equally young?) or experience applying them (Kevyn Aucoin). Really, 21 and able to pitch an exclusive line to Bergdorf's? Fishy.
Why is everyone so obsessed with this guy?
He's so....pretty ;)
I did not know this brand; I'll have to take a look when I'm done with my Christmas shopping!Looks great!
Wow, he's doing well for a 21 year old...what a cutie!
Just visited his website. Love the "Lip Wardrobe"! Must get to Bergdorf's!
Mischo Beauty
He's so cute! Interesting post, btw.
I’ve just started my own fashion related blog and need all the support I can get!
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I was wondering if we could do a link swap and if you could add me to the list of blogs on your page?
I’ve already added you to my favs :)
Keep up the great work!
Thanks (and please reply back)
x. Diamond Eyes
Hello Annie ... It's been far too long since I've stopped in for look - but you never disappoint.
The comments here are certainly provocative - and for good reason. The "young" man featured in your piece looks all of 15 years old. Please write us a follow-up with some details about how he rose to such heights so rapidly ...
Cheers from here ...
Thanks for this post! I love discovering new lines - hello he's 21??? Amazing...
Don’t hate on age people! Some of us gays have been bread from our grandmothers; mothers and aunts since we could help re apply. Like myself, I am sure he grew up with love for glamour and femininity. Congrats to him and all his success! One question, who does his PR? BRILLIANT!
My anniversary was coming up and my husband was going to be away in Europe so we celebrated early. He handed me my gift and before opened it I took a wild guess it was some thing from Edward Bess. If you could have seen the expression on his face, I guess correctly. I already had his Lip Wardrobe collection which is outstanding and now I was hoping for his new release for the eyes. I opened the box and it turned out to be the complete Private Eyes. There was a note attached that was signed personally by Mr. Bess wishing me a wonderful anivershery. I was completely blown away. My husband told me Mr. Bess had called him knowing he had purchased the earlier collection and asked him if he would be interested in the Private Eyes collection. He gave him the contact at Blogdorf Goodman to make the purchase. I will be eterninaly grateful to Edward Bess and my husband for the best anniversary I ever had. The eye collection is just another outstanding accomplishment of Edward Bess.
I love, love, love Edward Bess. In addition to being impossibly easy on the eyes, he is totally darling and sweet. I have two of his glosses (bare rose and warm flame) and just bought a lipstick (deep lust) - excellent products. No affiliation, just want to give this babydoll a shoutout. LOVE HIM!!!
Just found your blog, love it!
Anyway, I know Edward Bess (however, that is not really his last name) because I am from his hometown in South Carolina, where his parents own a small town business. He is not what some of the people who commented assume he is (a trust fund kid).
His products are amazing, and he's worked hard to be where he is at a young age.
My mom and I met him and bought a l/s, gloss, mascara, e/s, bronzer and brush. He was sooo charming and his m/u is fabulous.
Edward Bess is an adorable gem, with great products to back it up. The eye shadows are amazing and have real staying power. The lipsticks and glosses are A+. This is a lne worth investing in because the colors are timeless, sophisticated and flattering to all skin tones.
I met Mr. Bess today at BG and purchaces 3 shadows, a gloss and a lip stick. He was totally charming, and I enjoyed every moment I spend in his company! Having worked in TV for 20 years, Im here to tell you Edward Bess ROCKS!!!
Well to those skeptics.... Edward left his home when he was fifteen he struggled to get this dream and he accomplished it.
He is ADORABLE, honestly the sweetest person in the world, trust me, and to those who doubt his talent, why don't u pop up at Bergdorf and ask him ?? He would answer u know...
And his products are super slick
Hello I believe in ingredients and formulas and as far as i have seen read the side of the box! Saying that I'm not impressed with the toxins in these products or the colors. He is sweet but in the end product speaks, no matter the sweet face behind it.
LOVE, love this line. I have spoken to Edward on the phone when calling in my orders and he is charming.
Hi. I grew up in the same town as Edward and I just wanted to echo an earlier comment. He is not a trust fund kid and if his parents helped him out with starting this line, I seriously doubt they could have provided all of the funding. I am older than him, so I'm fuzzy on the details, but I do know that the last time I saw him (after my freshman year in college) he had left home and started modeling. That was quite a while ago. Maybe he was able to save up some money to start this line.
Either way, he is a geniunely nice guy, and I am happy to hear of his success.
Not his parents, they own there own funeral home, its from his very successful photographer boyfreind.
Edward has worked super hard and his attention to detail is reflected in all that he designs. I have never met someone so charming - he's as wonderful as his delectable products!!!! You don't get to be this successful so young without hard work and I recommend Edward Bess to everyone out there!!!!!
I know his family personally bc they live in the town next to mine and own the local funeral home.This goes to show that a small town boy can be very successful..I am proud of him and the fact that I can say I know him
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