2009...It Is What It Is

2009 was a rough year.
I am not sorry to see it go.
A few eagle-eyed friends and readers noticed that my heart was not into the blog this year. I was in a pretty dark and twisted place.
I have wasted enough time on fretting, pining and being sad. I have been sinking for a whole year.
I hope 2010 brings closure, peace and some lovely moments. I do not want to waste any more time on the silly...unless it gives me a great laugh. I want to get healthy and focused. The only personal wishes I have are as follows:
1. I hope to travel more in 2010. I would love to take that trip to Japan, return to Paris, London and New York City. I need to be in NYC more.
2. I want to spend more time with friends. I might want to make some new ones. It has been a while since I wanted to do the later.
3. I am going to wish that Lancome brings back the Erika F eye shadow to the US. For the love of all things holy...Pretty please.
4. I wish for some Jill Stuart, Japanese skincare, and some Addiction products.
5. I will get a Chanel handbag by January 1, 2011. This will be the prezzie to usher in my dreaded next bday. It is a big and painful one. They say that a girl who turns "something-something" needs a Chanel purse. I am going to listen to those nameless smart people.
6. 2010 will be all about technology. I will get a new computer, a lap top, a scanner and a cool phone. Unite and discuss the merits of an iphone or the droid in the comments.
7. I will learn how to successfully apply false eyelashes.
8. I wish to be brave.
9. If I am to be a spinster...I wish for a glamorous life. It is only fair.
10. I wish to be a better blogger. I wish for a revamped look, constant inspiration and material and a steady, focused attitude.
11. I would like to have a pet octopus. (That is for Tbone!)
Happy New Years!
I am off to watch Nick and Nora Charles!
You know the drill...start wishing in the comments.
55 Inspired Comments:
Annie, you are so fab, you are adorable and your blog is beloved. You need to MOVE to NYC, blog full-time, and get that pet octo! Really, 2009 pretty much was an awful year for most of us so good riddance! And hey, why or why can't we get Lancome to release that shadow here?!?
I've enjoyed reading your blog (as a newish beauty blogger myself, I'm learning a lot), and this seems like a good time for me to make my first comment on it!
Like you, I had a pretty crappy 2009, and to tell you the truth, the nine years preceding it weren't so great either. So I'm also ready to leave it behind and move on!
Just wanted to tell you that I enjoy your blog, and I empathize with the whole "out with the old, in with the new" stuff. To paraphrase from Anne of Green Gables -- tomorrow is a whole new decade, with no mistakes in it yet.
Thanks for hanging in, even when you didn't feel like it, and I'll look forward to continuing to read your blog in 2010!
iPhone! I love mine.
Here's hoping that 2010 brings you all that you desire and more.
Good luck in all your endeavors. If you are turning thirty something, then you are majorly over reacting, btw. Although I do agree that a Chanel handbags is good for any birthday! It has been a goal of mine for along time as well, but always seem to spend the money on something else.
Hi Annie,
I was in the same boat as you in 2009. Payrise freeze, sick dad (thanks renal failure!) and just crap all around.
2010 will be different. It will be a positive year! I will get rid of negative influences that are in my life; people or items or thoughts. I will deal with issues head on and not bury my head in the sand.
Have a great 2010 Annie! Take the trips that you've promised yourself and buy that Chanel bag!! I will cheer for you!!
Happy New Year!
That's a nice list! Hope all of them will come true!
Keep up the good work with the blog! =)
#2, 5 and 7 could have been written by me... my 2010 will be all about friends, Chanel and lashes.
Hope you got a good start of 2010 - from here it can only get better! xo
You DO need an IPhone. I am posting from
mine now and they are very remarkable
little devices. I highly recommend them.
I hope 2010 brings much better times for
us all.
And I too seem destined to be a spinster
let us be fabulous together!!!!!
Even if your heart was not in it, you still have the most fabulous blog of all! Not sure if the B-day starts with 4 or a 5, but I have had both, and the pain is eased when they are spent in France, and most specifically Paris.
Who doesn't feel fab, no matter what age while strolling the Champs! But then maybe the constant infusion of wine helps also. Blog on
Annie, I wish you all the best in 2010! I'm a faithful reader who checks in everyday because you *are* such a good blogger. I'm not all that into fashion or makeup but always enjoy reading what you have to say. May all your New Year's wishes come true!
You are a fabulous girl. I agree with the first poster, you need to move to NYC. I have been reading your blog a long time - you always have such insightful information that is truly appreciated.
Anyhoo, get that Chanel bag (caviar, it wears better) and live your life girl. You are too fabulous not to.
Annie dear, I wish you a fab new year. But good Lord, if this dreaded birthday you're going to have is merely *30*, I'll whack you on the head with a noodle, child! And please delete the outmoded term "spinster" from your vocabulary; I think "exquisitely eligible" is the phrase you're looking for. Happy New Year!
Wishing you all good things Annie - I love your blog! I agree with your thoughts on the Chanel bag since I turn something-something *cough 50 cough* in 2010 and would like nothing better! Oh, and you must have an iPhone. I had a 1st generation and now have a 3rd generation. You deserve the best!
May this year give you everything you desire and more. This decade is gonna change everything around.
I don't remember life before my iPhone.
You *have* been one of the most stylish and glamorous women I've ever known, all this time. I feel like you're Dorothy and I'm floating down in a pink bubble to trill, "You've had the power all along!"
As for cephalopods, you know, a few months ago I was having a telepathic communication with a cuttlefish at the New England Aquarium, who was floating in one corner of a dark and otherwise empty tank, staring at me and flashing various colors in response to my psychic messages, and I really wished I could take it home. But this didn't stop me from ordering fried calamari at Legal Sea Foods right afterward.
Happy new year! Happy birthday! And I look forward to pics of this Chanel bag.
Annie, thank you for #9. I'm right there with you! Happy New Year and keep up the great work! Love your blog!
P.S. A false eyelash tutorial I just happened to spot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-ZmCtDCBEg
Happy birthday, Annie. I think "exquisitely eligible" is the new buzz term for us thanks to one of your readers :)
I am really hoping that Erika F makes a comeback in the USA before I "hit pan." It does not seem right that in hard economic times, they do not re-release one of their best products EVER. We need shimmer in times of recession.
I hope you get the travel time in this year, and I am going to wish for you to get a trip to Chicago, too :)
P.S. Nick & Nora Charles were awesome. TCM made my NYE a delight. I just loved little Asta :)
Annie! 2009 was a bit of an "annus horribilis" for me, too... but friends like you still gave me a reason to smile. You *do* need to visit NYC more often! xoxo
I watched Nick & Nora Charles as well. How I love them and their wardrobes.
I wish you all your wishes for the New Year. Please do allow sunshine and happy back in. Spinster-BAH. Snappy, smart single is how I think of it, oh and a happy one. Revel in your independence.
You know I adore your blog, and if your heart wasn't in it, I can't imagine how amazing it will be when it is. The best out there and I will tell anyone that and did recently at an EL meeting.
Happy New Year :) may we all have a little more of the best parts of Nick & Nora in it.
One of the anonymous's said it perfectly - live your life. I think that should be your motto for 2010.
Love you and while you are saving for your Chanel bag I will save for...TBD. We can do it together.
even in a bad year, your blog is still the best blog. 2009 was an awulf year, but I'm sure we'll all have stupendous 2010. All lists will come true. It will be a good year.
So, Januaray 1st is your birthday? Congratulations!
Annie, I don't know you, but I love your blog. You are a fabulous writer and reviewer and I think you are very glamorous! Here's to us all having an exciting and beautiful 2010!
Best wishes! Thank you for sharing your thoughts; the best part about this blog has been reading your musings and feeling connected across this VAST expanse of cyberspace.
Dear Annie, we all love you! I wish you only the best for 2010!
Annie, I love reading your blog and wish you all the best in 2010. You deserve much happiness! And a Chanel bag of course!
Annie, please come to NYC! If you do, I will bring you yummy pastries from the Hungarian bakery near me.
Also, I wish that your 2010 is much better than your 2009. I hope you get everything you wish for (I want some Addiction products too!), and I hope you find happiness and love in whatever comes your way. Oh, and there are no such things as spinsters! Considering how idiotic men are, I almost feel as if we'd all be better off single! =)
with lots of love, Bunny
Annie! I want to be there when you buy your Chanel bag! We will celebrate with cocktails!
It's been a terrible year for me too. I won't go into deets but those of you who know me, you know what I'm talking about.
2010 will be one of those milestone birthdays for me too. I don't know what I will do to mark this big one!
One thing I really wish for the new year is that we get to see our friends in Cleveland and NYC more often!
I would have never have known you were going through issues, because your blog is so wonderful. I think as everyone has said, your postings have been a bright spot for all of us every day.
Happy New Year, and keep on truckin'
Dearest Annie. You are one of the (very few) people who have rescued makeup and fashion from scary, mean girls and made it something I can love. I am your devoted reader and fan. And I love your prose style.
Here's wishing you a daily life in the real world that is as glamorous, witty, and delightful as the one you create for all of us online. And, darling, I'm looking at a big birthday this year, too. I hear from friends on the Other Side of that hill that it is pretty damn good over there. Go bravely toward that Chanel counter!
Annie, I love your blog so please don't stop. 2009 was a bad year for a lot of us and I, like you, are glad to see it gone. And there is no stigma in not being attached. Spinsters don't exist, only fabulous unattached women. Keep working on your dreams and let us all know how your travel turns out!
Annie you are fabulous! ...and celebrating that with a Chanel bag sounds perfect! {{{A}}}
Hi Annie,
I read your blog every day and I would never have known that you have had a rough 2009 because your writing is so good and you never seem like you are down in the dumps.
I hope you get everything you want in 2010! Especially the Channel bag!
I too will be having a big birthday this year and I want one too! But more important, is getting a job that I love!
Happy New Year!
I will have that dreaded something-something birthday in two years. In the meanwhile, I am traveling and working and doing things I love. Traveling, esp, helps a lot, because I get to see that my problems are insignificant compared to what others go through in their life.
Here's to a fabulous year for you, Annie! Love and kisses!
it's uncanny how many times i feel like you're writing about ME! i'm going to be the crazy cat lady with too many lipglosses.
Annie, this post is a little late, but I just wanted to add that I adore reading your blog. There are tons of beauty blogs now, but your commentary is so distinctive and enjoyable. I hope 2010 is a fantastic year for you (and everyone else too, of course)! xo, Susanna
I agree with Alyssa - you bring a sweetness to the world of makeup blogging that needs to exist!! You don't think a product is awesome just because ____ makes it, or put something down because it can be found in the drugstore. This is so NOT the case usually, as I've discovered when I venture out to other blogs.
2009 pretty much blew for the majority of people out there, but it's over now so let's take a looong shower and get rid of its funk!!
Please the Irish beauty blog "Beaut.ie"--they recently blogged about your infamous Erika shadow. Happy New Year! Already, a wish come true!
Annie, if you're talking about turning 30, I did it last year, it was traumatic, but in the end not as bad as I thought it would be :).
Thank you for keeping the blog going even when you weren't in the mood. It provides a little lift to my day to read it. I hope 2010 is a better year for all of us.
As for the phone debate, I say BlackBerry all the way. I couldn't do without my BlackBerry Bold (AT&T).
Dear Miss BG,
I have enjoyed this blog every day you posted in 2009. It is always my top resource for makeup and it has made a nice dent in my wallet. Even though you were not feeling the "blog love," many people were loving the blog. It's always been a fabulous resource that has provided years of enjoyment, and I have, in spirit, taken it shopping, on vacation, and visiting with friends. You want to travel more and I hope you get to do so, but know that you're traveling all over the world every time you post!
This weekend, I am taking you to Miami.
Whenever a thread gets going about which blogs people like best, I always mention yours. Thanks for the consistency, the effort, the investigation, the humor, the joy.
Everyone: Thanks for all the lovely comments!
I promise to have more energy and speunk this year.
I am turning the 4-"something something". Lets all agree to not mention it.
I might have to rethink the Chanel wish and promise. The handbags I like are over $3000. I will continue to save and see what happens. You never know...Tay(Rachel Zoe show) might put her bags up on Ebay.
God...I love her Chanels.
CJ: For one crazy moment I thought that the blog broke some type of Erika F announcement. My heart raced. Erika F is available for purchase in Europe. Just not here in the states. I am hoarding 2.
I hope Lancome comes to their senses and brings it back. It is perfection. Like the self actualization of eye shadows. A nirvana of smoke, shimmer, texture and pigment. I could gush all day.
oops...I meant to write spunk.
That does not bode well for 2010.
I hope 2010 will be a great year for you. I know 2009 wasn't so great for me, either, but I have high hopes that 2010 will be much better. I hope it is for you, too. I've been enjoying your blog for two years and look forward to more of your wit and wisdom. Happy New Year!
Iphone. Reason: Apple Care.
I never buy anything without at least checking to see what you say about it. You're awesome and I hope 2010 is a year full of lots of joy!
As for myself, I wish for all those beloved made in japan brands to launch in the US. And to stamp some really exotic visa stamps on my brand new passport!
Happy New Year!
You can achieve all that you desire. Stay positive, visualize and do not give up!
mySkin.com is located in NYC. Say hello if you are in the city.
I love the blog, it is one of my favorites. I would have never learned about Amlactin if it wasn't for you. I turned 40 in 2009 and have been having the spinster thoughts almost daily. It never really bothered me having never been married but for the last half of 2009, it became very embarrassing to me and I kept wondering what was wrong with me. I have decided that I will spend 2010 being the best that I can be and if he is destined to come he will, and if not I will have built myself and wonderful and fulfilling life.
I have a suggestion for a blog-posting series called Price Available Upon Request. So many times when reading Marie Claire or Elle I will see something fabulous and the caption will give the name of the designer and state that the price is available only after inquiry. I would love to know the price of these items and the details on how to acquire them.
Here is to an improved 2010!
Ah, so sorry, I just copped on that you were talking about US. If you ever need a hit, I will gladly post it to you.
LKG: I feel the same way and it looks like we are in the same place in life. I have the same outlook in 2010. I need to just prepare for a solo life and if a Prince Charming shows up...so be it.
It is what it is.
I can not want it anymore.
I recently attended a relative's funeral. I spotted a cousin's girlfriend who was not mingling and seemed kinda lost. I smiled and drew her in conversation.
It never pays to be nice.
The very first question: Why no wedding ring? She was horrified yet secretly delighted that I was alone with no prospects. My single status was freakish to her. She even backed away...like she could catch it. LOL!
She asked the most intrusive & painful questions that even most grandmothers would balk at doing. I kept a Mona Lisa smile on my face while my mind screamed for mercy. Her mean interest and questioning...left me exhausted. I get this a lot...but not at a funeral home and not so relentless.
As I get older, these situations happen more often. It makes me want to wear a dummy ring to just avoid the conversation all together..but then that would be my luck...Prince C would show up and think I was spoken for.
ooh, i never heard the bit about the chanel bag. i am behind on that. btw, the something-something birthdays are not to be dreaded. don't let the masses brainwash you.
wishing you lots of glamour and false eyelashes. (are those synonymous?)
cheers, minette/scentsignals
It has been hard for many my darling including myself. You do amazing work and you will keep growing.
My only advice is get out of Ohio and yes, travel.
Sending you positive thoughts and energy.
OMG on mean girlfriend of cousin. Or, as I mistyped it at first, girlfiend.
No wonder no one else was talking to her!
If you need someone put in her place, you know who to call.
*practices kung fu fan moves*
@Annie - your cousin's girlfriend seems very nosy! She should know better!
I agree with Alix and Melanie! Exquisitely available sound MUCH more better than spinster! I say it's better to be single than unhappily married.
I found this 'fairy tale' some time ago, I always refer back to it after some cod tries to make me feel bad about 'no ring'
The World's Shortest/Happiest Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?"
The girl said:"NO!"
And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping,
dancing, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never
had to cook, did whatever the hell she wanted, never argued, didn't
get fat, traveled more, had many lovers, didn't save money, and had
all the hot water to herself.
She went to the theater, never watched
sports, never wore friggin' lacy lingerie that went up her ass, had
high self esteem, never cried or yelled, felt and looked fabulous in
sweat pants and was pleasant all the time.
The End
All the best to you,
Angela :)
OMG Annie...I can't believe someone you barely knew grilled you like that and at a FUNERAL to boot!! That's when you start saying things like "Leader Charlie really frowns on strict monogamy within our community" and/or "I took a really fun trip to a farm the other weekend and I'm starting to feel I haven't explored ALL my relationship options."
People like that are so narrow minded...they cannot believe anyone has happiness with a life that is in any way different than theirs. They just want to put you in a box as "settled" and not think about you anymore.
And Angela's fairy tale rocks.
My dearest Annie...
This year is bound to get really wild... mostly due to the fact that nobody i know can take it anymore, whatever their own personal 'it' may be. Sometimes 'its' just what the doctor ordered.
You are beautiful, charming, intelligent, and alot like Angela from My So-Called Life. You even like alternative and grunge music!
(but you dress much better than her --- for sure!!!!)
I am sitting here smelling the future scents of success (if you know what i mean), thanks to a certain Chardonian that we all know and love... and i am positive that we will all bang-on through this next year with prettier colours than ever smeared across our faces for all to admire and enjoy.
<3 Shawn
I really enjoy your blog. It has a glamour others just don't have. It's more than weekly statements of product reviews (useful as they are). This is why allow it in my life.
I'm 46. I love me. I love my life. And I am the first to shout it loud that you don't need a man to be happy. However, recently I have started to listen to the persistent quiet voice that is informing me I am being inauthentic. I do desire a relationship with a compatible man.
Makeup, film, handbags, beauty talk, martinis etc are all fun but perhaps I should have the courage to admit what my inner voice is telling me. I can have them and a relationship. But am I ready to accept all that comes with a partner? Not sure yet.
You know; when I passionately want something it usually comes my way. Why? Because I invest energy and time in getting it. Haven't many of us done that to track down that elusive product, or get our higher degrees? We know however that there is usually a cost associated with that gain. I suppose the trick is in knowing whether we really want to do what it takes to get what we say we want.
You are obviously a stoic woman. I have no doubt what you really want you'll get.
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