It is no secret that I am a huge Barbara Bui fan. This is the one fragrance I have managed to not cave on.
Why you ask?
Because I am lazy.
I do not feel like calling the Barbara Bui boutiques in NYC and order it. I like to order online or stumble across my perfumes in person.
I first experienced Bui in NYC. The gang trekked to one of the stores to scope it out. There was massive buzz on makeupalley. Chattykathy was the fearless leader in this expedition. The store had sold out their stock and were waiting for a new shipment. They had hidden the tester.
I am a sucker for something that has to be hidden from the masses.
It was love at first sniff for me.
Some of the gang got on the waiting list. I decided to wait.
I am still waiting after all these years.
It is a shame that I am so damn lazy.
Bui sparked strong emotions on MUA. There were the fans and then "the haters."
The haters stated that it was boring, bland and smelled of Department Store.
This is the worst you can say about a fragrance on MUA. It is the kiss of death.
I never got the hate. Bui was unique to me. It was the perfect comfort scent that was only rivaled by Pottle.
I am going to not review Bui but instead direct you to the Now Smell This review:
Sonia Rykiel's Woman(not for Men!) fragrance has longed been compared to Barbara Bui. Several MUAers described it as being better than Bui.
I am here to tell you that it is very very very good.
Is it as good as Bui?
Not to me...but then I have romantic notions about Bui.
Bui has incredible sillage and can last all darn day.
Rykiel's Woman can not boast this feat.
The notes for Sonia Rykiel's Woman Pink Pepper, Violet, Date, Jasmine Petals, Solar Flowers, Bulgarian Rose, Black Pepper, Olibanum, Agarwood, Leather and Amber.
Read Aromascope's(another great perfume site) post on both fragrances:
Photo: Blogdorf Goodman
7 Inspired Comments:
But that's what we love about you: that you never 'get the hate.' Heh. Also love the way you charted the Rise, Fall and Faded Memory of Bui on MUA. xoxo
I *love* this scent--dig it more than the Bui. Body lotion is an exact match if you like to layer. cheers, sara
M: Bui did have its moment in the sun. Now it never gets any love on MUA.
On a serious note about MUA: I am all types of oblivious when it comes to hate on MUA. These last few weeks have opened my eyes to the true character of some muaers.
Why do people have to suck?
I do not get it.
Sara: I will keep my eye out for the lotion.
It is appearing at TJ Maxxes on Ohio. Are you stocked up?
Let me know S.
Suckage is a sad, sad thing. I just keep my distance. And lie back and think of Marc Jacobs shoes on French e-bay. xoxo
OMG, for a second I thought you meant you found Barbara Bui perfume in TJ Maxx, and I was going to cry...
I agree with nowsmellthis: I thought you were going to say the same thing, too. LOL!
I didn't have to lift a finger to get my bottle of BB. A friend snagged the last few bottles of it at the boutique when it first came out, and was kind enough to give me one of hers.
I love it, and need to start wearing it again, once the weather here in LA finally cools off.
But now you've got me wondering about this Rykiel Woman. And the packaging is in my favorite color purple. WAH!!! I need to test this.
And, as far as I am concerned, hate has no place in this world, and that includes the internet world. I feel sorry for those folks on MUA who feel they have to get attention by engaging in it.
And that, to quote Forrest Gump my darling friend, is all I have to say about it!
Bui is one of my top 5 all time favorite scents. I liked the Rykiel, but it couldn't replace Bui for me. I am still pining for a bath and body line to match the beloved Bui. One of these days I'll take a trip to NYC and visit the boutique myself--so far all of my juice has come from swaps and phone orders.
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