40 Days and 40 Nights of Beauty Brand Reviews
Tomorrow begins the 2nd Annual 40 Days and 40 Nights project. Last year Cavewoman reviewed 40 primers for the entire period of Lent. This year we will focus on reviewing the best of 40 brands. We will dish on our favorite products from various beauty and fragrance companies.
We want to encourage everyone to comment during these next 40 days.
Let us know what your favorites are from each line and why you love it.
6 Inspired Comments:
FYI: For some reason when I'm looking at the links to the past reviews, it's giving me a Page Not Found! Oh no!
I can't access the links either! I wish you guys all the best at the enormous task ahead of you!
Hey PattyG, who are those people in your little photo?
For the people who want to see the primer reviews, archives for March 1st to April 16th, 2006.
I can't wait to get started!
Patti: That is the Raveonettes!
They are fab!
Pattyg: Patti is an amazing beauty resource!!! She has taught me so much.
She still tries different primers-- a year later. Her research will never ends!
Anon and Nina: I will have to work on those links. I just tried each one and none work. I know there are many readers who would like all those reviews on one page. I am having a horrible time tonight on the net. I had to access my blog and mail through another server. I hope it is just a problem with yahoo and not my computer.
I can't wait for this year's 40 days event, last year I was absolutely addicted to those primer reviews! Annie, you and Patti make a great team and hearing both of your opinions on products was so much fun!
You guys should auction off a chance to shop with both of you at Bergdorf's or Saks, you could use the proceeds to fund all your beauty products for the next year or you could donate the money to a favorite charity. It's kind of a silly idea but I think that a lot of people would love the opportunity to shop and chat products with a couple of experts like yourselves.
Yay! The primer reviews were great. This project will be lots of fun!
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