You give love a bad name:
"Once upon a time,...not so long ago
tommy used to work on the dock,
unions been on strike
He's been down on his luck... it's tough so tough
Gina works the diner all day
working for her man
she brings home the pay... FOR LOVE, FOR LOVE
she says we've got to hold on to what we've got
it dosen't make a difference if we make it or not
we've got each other and thats a lot for love
There are a few pieces from the imitation of christ collection that just scream Bon Jovi. This one should be called Living on a prayer. It just fits.
photo from style.com and lyrics from Jon Bon Jovi.

8 Inspired Comments:
Whoa we're halfway there....Whoa livin off my hair! Livin off my hair!!!!
Bon Jovi worked the hair now!
btw--this model looks like a pissed off Heather Graham!
I would be pissed too.
Can you imagine being told that this was your outfit to wear during the show? I would be so resentful. LOL
At least she did not have to carry the penis purse. That was another models cross to bear....
Ha! That really is SO Bon Jovi. Does anyone else deperately want to feather her hair to complete the look?
Where is the Penile Purse you and Joyce are talking about? I am so lost.
K: I am so glad that someone agrees. I was starting to think that whole look was forgotten. I grew up during this time period and remember it very well.
Jen: The penis purse is on style.com. It is halfway through the imitation of christ show. You will not miss it. It is made from denim. Look for the model sporting the big bleached denim coat. I will try to send you the link!
OK--I saw the Penis Purse. What the hell? It is awful! What is with the blue denim-BUT-WAIT hold on...let's make a pink tip! WERE THEY DRUNK????
I waited to comment because I had to stop fainting every time I saw it.
Jon Bon Jovi has moved on. Why can't we?
P.S. I wish you could've seen my friends and I drunkenly karaoke-ing "Livin' on a Prayer" at my mom's pre-wedding party. My air guitar solo was beloved by all. By all, I mean no one, really.
Peej: Well that Bon Jovi coat called for a purse that screamed something skanky so...why not a penis purse? Its genius really.
T: What took you so long to post?? I thought you would have to comment on my ready knowledge of Bon Jovi lyrics.
I imagine that you play the air guitar really well. You know I would have requested the "fan dance" if I was there.
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