Jergens Natural Glow Moisturizer
I am an ultra pale girl who embraced her ghostly status years ago. I do not sun bathe nor do I do self tanners. I discovered bronzers last year and have been satisfied of the result.
This summer is different.
Beauty Addict has been reviewing self tanners on her blog.
I have been hanging on every word.
I decided to try Jergen's Natural Glow first since it received a good Beauty Addict seal. I wanted natural color with very little stench.
After one application I spied a slight difference in color.
Of course I went to work and compared my skin to my co-workers.
They all agreed I was less ghost-like and that I might be on the path way to some color.
There is a stench to this product. It is very subtle but it seems to grow more powerful as the day progresses.
It is a mixture of sweat and something slightly salty.
At first I thought it was not bad.
There was something earthy and sexual about it.
It quickly turned and I realized that I need to get out more.
I am clearly nuts.
So I have mixed feelings on this product.
I did have a color change, there was no mess of streaks or blotching
... but the stench will sneak up and get you!
Visit Beauty Addict for reviews on self tanners at:
Disclosure: This product was purchased at my local drugstore.
Labels: Beauty Addict, Jergens, Product Purchase, self tanners
15 Inspired Comments:
Try L'Oreal Sublime Glow-- it's the best! You get color after just one application, and the smell is a lot less nauseating than Jergens!
I've been using L'Oreal Sublime Glow at night (because it has that DHA stink after a while) and St. Ives new gradual tanners because they smell nice and are VERY moisturizing. Though I noticed that the one with the blue stripe has DHA listed higher on the ingredients list so it gives better results.
I have the Boots gradual tanner as well and I like how thin the lotion is, even though it's moisturizing. The scent is just too much for me. Not stenchy but not pleasant either.
I've been using this only occasionally, the smell bugs me, too. There's a girl in one of my classes who wears this everyday and the smell makes me nauseated at the end of an hour with no AC!
The Boots gradual tanner is great if you want only subtle color. There isn't a ton of DHA in it, hence the better smell. L'Oreal Sublime Glow at night is my routine, but beware, your sheets will smell!
I agree, Jergens reaks! Try St. Ives firm and glow - use it at night. Good color after a few days, smell the next day is barely noticeable.
The Dove tanning lotion stinks too. At first, the smell is pleasant, then as the day goes on, I smell as if I've rubbed up against an unwashed old lady. I was relieved to discover that smell wasn't actually ME.
vic. secret bronze, daily lotion (pink bottle with gold lettering)16.00 is the best for a non DHA smell, it was reviewed on beauty addict and i can say that it smells like light coconuts but the smell of coconuts slowly goes away, so it won't overpower
-slow color build up but after 3 DAYS AWSOME COLOR, i recommned the light med because its less likely to steak than the meddark as beauty addict said
"It is a mixture of sweat and something slightly salty.
At first I thought it was not bad.
There was something earthy and sexual about it."
haha! i thought the exact same thing. at first i didn't smell it, then it was like "hm it smells kinda salty. but kinda sweet. and kinda musky.... OMG"
The Firming version of the Jergens has very little scent to me, and I just threw away a tube of the regular due to the smell. When you buy again, make sure you get the Firming version.
Try the Estee Lauder Glow lotion. It is colors very little, and has low stick. I like it a lot. Maybe your counter will give you a sample first.
Good Luck
Ok I meant low stink. Yikes, bad typing.
Thanks everyone!
L'Oreal will be next!
i tried jergens and i thought it smelled mildly like hard boiled eggs! i think it still works really well though.
I hated the smell of the Jergen's, Dove and Neutrogena (Neutrogena even gave my DH an asthma attack!). After reading the BeautyAddict's advice, I tried St. Ive's and I love it. Smells great (even DH complimented me) - sort of fresh-floral. The tan is very subtle, so good for pale girls, but you have to be patient and use it for a few days before you see any change.
i use the st. ives firm and glow, and i love it, smells great! no streaks! and not orange at all. this is the best self tanner i ever tried.
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