40 Days and 40 Nights of Beauty Cult Classics
Day 39, Creme De La Mer Moisturizing Cream

For the most part the cult classics series has been civil and fairly drama free. We had a rough patch with the Nivea post but overall it has been a smooth ride.
There has been gushing and shared hate on almost every product reviewed.
Today that peace might be challenged.
La Mer is a dense and highly moisturizing cream. It was created by aerospace physicist Dr. Max Huber to treat his own burns. The cream is created through a 3-4 month bio-fermentation process and is nutrient rich. The ingredients range from sea kelp to citrus oil.
Combining basic ingredients with the fermentation process created a Miracle broth that they instantly trademarked.
This is not a whisper light cream but more like a blood curdling scream. The texture is heavy, yet not imposing. You want to spread this one with a spatula. In fact a very tiny doll-like one is included in the package.
This is not a whisper light cream but more like a blood curdling scream. The texture is heavy, yet not imposing. You want to spread this one with a spatula. In fact a very tiny doll-like one is included in the package.
It is rumored that Kate Moss uses this cream all over her body as a lotion. That is a true diva-like extravagance. I imagined that it would be the best lotion that money could buy. At first I thought it was all hype. It was wonderful but not holy grail worthy. I tested other products and fell in and out of love like Brett Michaels of VH1's Rock of Love.
It is only after years of blogging and testing that I realize and appreciate the product.
It is the most serious moisturizer on the market.
I reach for the jar every time the Ohio climate attacks my skin. Dry issues melt away when I use La Mer. I have seen flakes disappear after the first application.
Skin sensitivities are soothed and coddled with this cream.
To apply La Mer requires reading the instructions. You really must warm the cream in your hands for at least one minute. It sounds silly but it works. It just like butter from the fridge. You need to let it warm to room temperature before buttering your bread or you will "pierce the toast."
To use La Mer requires a serious amount of coin.
1 oz retails for $125, 2 oz for $220 and 16.5 oz is a whopping $1,350.
But the numbers are not as shocking as they once were.
Today serums and eye creams go for twice that amount in the 1 oz size.
Let me know what you think of La Mer in the comments. Share your love or hate.
Credit: Blogdorf Goodman
Disclosure: A press sample of this product was provided by La Mer. I also have purchased this at my local La Mer counter.
Labels: 40 Days and 40 Nights of Cult Classics, La Mer, Press Sample, Product Purchase
31 Inspired Comments:
I love this lotion so much that I got the 16.5 oz jar! It is huge but economically worth it since my skin is really dry. I find this cream very soothing and moisturizing without being too fancy. Also it has a light scent which I like. It's just an all around basic good cream.
I once got an extra of a Creme Der Mer foundation.
That foundation actually made my skin better, even the day after once I'd removed it my skin was smoother,less dry and well radiant.
It was very small bottle but i made it last.
I miss it so much (I still have the empty one), but at £60 a bottle its a bit too much. I did visit a CdM stand in London and hovered hopefully but no samples.. and well they kinda ignored me to be honest
I'm sorry, but I just cannot agree with the hyper over this cream. I've tried it and find it to be mediocre, and the price is astronomical. Who can afford to buy this on a regular basis! I'm jealous of you all.
Okay, I'll bite.
There are people starving all over the world, including in this country, and there are still people with no compunction over spending a THOUSAND dollars on a jar of freaking skin cream.
Dress it up however you want, and I'm sure there are people who will, but it remains incredibly selfish and utterly morally reprehensible.
--Shana in MO
No,no, no. If someone can afford this cream and it works for them, then they should be able to purchase it without judgement from you or anyone else. A jar of cream has nothing to do with the starving people of the world. In truth, the people who spend money on La Mer or other goods labeled "morally reprehensible" are quite possibly giving more to people in need. It is irresponsible to assume that buying expensive goods equals a lack of compassion or sympathy.
I live in Georgia so I use the lotion much more often than the cream.....but it's every penny worth the cult status! Also "to die for".......the new eye cream. I've used it for two weeks and my bags and circles are gone!
I have no opinion on La Mer, having never tried it. However, I must chime in and comment that trying to make people feel guilty or "morally reprehensible" for spending money on a face cream is just petty and mean-spirited! Some people save up for luxury items that others deem unnecessary because it makes them feel pampered and happy! There is nothing wrong with that! Buying $6 face creams at a drugstore will not put food on anyone's plate!
Nope. Any reasonable person, with a grand to spare, would buy a <$100 cream and donate some money to people who don't even have the basics, much less expensive makeup and what-have-you. It IS morally reprehensible, IMO, to use your resources for stupid selfishness, instead of doing something good for someone besides yourself. Besides, is it that much better than any other cream? How can you, in good conscience, say "I can have this really stupidly expensive cream, or a perfectly decent cream and a big-ass donation to a really worthy cause" and choose the former? I can't help but think that there's something really, really wrong with that.
It just comes down to our individual tolerances for selfishness and misuse of resources, I guess. I suspect that the people who take this so poorly are just hearing something they'd rather not cop to.
--Shana in MO.
You're painting folks in black-and-white terms. Just because someone buys expensive cosmetics doesn't necessarily mean they're selfish or immoral.
I don't make a lot of money -- at all -- but I give away about 15 to 20 percent of it to my church, World Vision, the Humane Society, etc. because I feel strongly about using the little I do have for good. And, sometimes, I buy ridiculously expensive cosmetics. It's one of the few indulgences I allow myself.
If that makes me "morally reprehensible" in your eyes, so be it. I know what's inside my heart, and I know that I consistently put more emphasis on the comfort of others over my own.
To a degree, I agree with you; I think there's probably some wealthy folks out there who could do a lot more to help the less fortunate. But I don't think everyone who buys LaMer is automatically an ogre.
ANYWAY. Back to the discussion at hand. I've never tried Creme de La Mer before, and I'm looking forward to hearing from people who have - this could be my next splurge!
This reminds of of what Oprah once said about her wealth when asked if she felt guilty. She said no because feeling remorseful would not help those in need. That's very true. You can enjoy life and what money buys you and at the same time help others too...
Hating the rich will not make you richer. Also reminds me I am grateful I don't live in a communist country, my parents fled from one and told me of this mindset.
Anyway, this cream I think is personally worth it if you can afford it! I can't afford to have this cream, I had tried it before from my MIL. It IS every bit as wonderful as I thought it would be!! This one is good for a reason. My skin is SO dry and it really helps me, whether or not it's worth it to someone is another thing.
I really love this cream. I really love all the products I've gotten from this line. I also really love the fact that my husband and I have been able to give as much as we have to people not as fortunate as we are. Also volunteering our time and our family's time to helping make our community a better place to live. I'm not sure who you "know" who is so darn stingy. Life "gives", give back.
I agree that it moisturizes the hell out of my extremely dry skin. Except it also brings up a crop of zits. It's like my skin can't breathe and the pores get clogged, and I do rub it until it liquifies. When I don't use La Mer, I rarely, if ever, get more than the occasional blemish, but the last time I used this, I got a whole constellation. Once I stopped, the zits started to clear up and no more appeared. I'd love to be on the bandwagon with this, but no. Just...no.
Shana, who's to say people who spend $1000 on a face cream aren't donating 50 times that in their time/money/energy to those in need?
I USED to love this cream. And then Estee Lauder bought it out, and something changed. It was no longer as magical - it seemed watered down. So now I stick to Dr.Hauschka Rose Day Cream when my skin is feeling dry, and that stuff is amazing. Apparently Kate Moss uses Hauschka too, for people who care about that kind of thing. ;)
I coveted this creme for a long while and then i got a sample. i was not wowed and it actually reminded me of Nivea creme. I would not buy this product and I'm using my sample on my knees and elbows.
As someone who's had problem skin (acne, weird rashes, hives, etc.) her entire life and has had to shell out tons of money on creams/lotions/medications to calm it down, and now has to use Dr. Hauschka for the rest of her life (expensive, with my budget, but worth every cent since I am no longer acne-ridden and itchy) I can't say spending a crapload of money on a product (especially if it works for you), no matter the price tag, is 'morally reprehensible'. Call me crazy, but I like to save that term for, y'know, murderers and child molesters. I don't like to think I have a higher tolerance for selfishness, either, since I donate to my church and 3 charities on a regular basis, but eh. To each his own. My money is my money, and I'll spend it (paltry sum that it is) as I wish.
Try Murad Professional's Daily Moisture Charge (SPF 30) and Nightly Hudro-Lock...your skin and wallet will thank you!!!
I don't feel the need to justify myself. This forum is an outlet for us to talk about beauty products and fashion. We judge products in hopes of informing others. This is a hobby and an interest to the people on this site. We are not here to judge other people.
So back to the task at hand. I agree with everyone who says this cream doesn't do amazing things. However it does moisturize and calm my itchy dry skin. This cream is worth it because a little does go a long way. I only use a dollop about half the size of a dime. This is a $100 cream but it is just more economical to buy the big jar which will last two people 2-3 years.
I love Creme De La Mer, and because you are always raving about the foundation I have decided to try it...do you use the fluid or the creme? Thanks!
I love everything LaMer makes! The eye concentrate is amazing and so is the creme and lotion. I use the lotion during the day and the creme at night. Also, during the summer the moisturizing gel is really worth it. It is just enough moisture, without the heaviness of the creme or lotion that you need in the morning. I will also never go without the cleansing gel and toner. Worth every penny!
I'm a make-up artist and I don't use La Mer on my own skin because it's too heavy for me. Models love the cream as a base under make-up and I love to mix CDLM with Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enhancer foundation to make the most incredible long lasting base. Skin does really glow after massaging it with CDLM, but it's heavy duty stuff. Oily skins had better try the lotion instead.I wish I'd had the chance to try the old pre-Lauder version of the cream..
i have a problem with the price... but it has less to do with selfishness/the state of starving children than with general product markup. i guess i refuse to believe that a triple-digit cream can be that much better than a less expensive one. it has to plateau at some point. give me $40 and a few hours on makeupalley, and i'm sure i could find something comparable... that said i've never tried it, but my skin needs super-light moisturizers anyway!
It's pretty funny when people rip on others for a certain indulgence they may enjoy. If you are going to go that far you might as well say that anything that isn't basic is an indulgence, and you might as well donate that money instead. I better not catch Shana going to see a movie, or going out to dinner. And if you aren't buying clothes from goodwill, you should think twice about considering yourself a good human being!!! I am a college student who is green, I volunteer for many many things, and also sacrifice a lot of things. I also choose to spend my money on a face cream that works, and lasts forever. So the judgement can stop at the door. I do use la mer, and I don't feel guilty at all. I save up my money for the cream, as well as donating many items, saving the environment, pledging money to wonderful organiztiongs, AND volunteering around the city. Now me and my awful morals are going to go WASH MY FACE!
I got the 2 ounce jar last year and I really wanted to love it, but unfortunately it does not do anything for my skin except clog my pores. I have normal skin, NOT oily & NOT dry, but La Mer makes me break out. It could be the algae extract which is known to clog pores.
My sister on the other hand loves the stuff and has the most amazing skin, dunno if it's La Mer or some other part of her skincare regime, but CDLM works for her and hence the 90% left in my 2 ounce jar is going to her.
I have always had good skin so I really freaked out when CDLM made me break out at age 25! My skin hasn't fully recovered yet.
well... I WISH i can afford la mer. i always pass by la mer whenever i go thru nordstrom in south coast plaza, ca but never ever stop by. *sigh* anyone want to share?? *heeh* j/k but seriously tho a college student like (in debt with loans) could never and would never splurge on it. they should have a special sale or something. lol
I used to buy this creme when it first hit the market and yes it is a miricle creme and has a wonderful light scent truly mouisterizes.However I find cetaphil mouisterizing creme does just as well but you dont have the scent or luxery pampered feel with ceptaphil.If you are like me though a fair skinned redhead with incredibly dry sensitive skin I say save your money buy the cetaphil and take a vacation instead with what you save by not buying la mer.............
I am 55 and have been using La Mer for the last 12 years. My skin is beautiful. People regularly ask me what I use on my skin (yesterday at Saks, two different salespeople asked me). I use the cream at night, just a light layer all over my face, eyes, and neck. I really like that you can use it on your eyes, thus eliminating another product. I use the eye cream and moisturizer during the day.
It's mean-spirited to try to make others feel guilty about what they spend their money on. I regularly give to 6 different charities and do my best to help others. I feel no guilt about the price of this cream and resent anyone self-important and self-righteous enough to use this as a barometer of someone's worth.
I love this creme and think it is worth the money. I only put on very little at night since I am oily skinned. During the day I use Chanel Precision Beaute Initiale moisturizer and love that too. The lotion is amazing and leaves your skin feeling like satin. I am totally loving my sample of it.
By the way to Shana.. you are the intolerant one here. You cannot post your judgments of people on this website, this isn't a chat room it's a beauty website for reviews on products..
so....ok creme de la mer, for all its hype is basically three things: Mineral oil, blue green algae called padina pevonica which costs about $5 a gallon, and a few droppers full of vitamins A,C,& E. Nothing really spectacular and NOTHING that is going to keep you from aging. I promise. and for its hefty price tag, Estee Lauder is making almost a 300% profit. Just FYI. BTW it feels SOOO good because mineral oil is occlusive, ergo, it works wonders on dry skin. La mer is by no means a professional skin care product. it's all hype
Anna Gil, L.M.E
I am pretty severe when it comes to morals and right and wrong, and even I see no particular problem with someone purchasing an expensive cream. I have wasted far more money on hoping different products will work than simply restocking the same La Mer regimen when I need to. In the same way that producing more food will *not* cure starvation-do yourself a favor and study history and economics, please-my skipping the purchase of the Eye Concentrate won't save hungry babies. That is simply not the way things work.
I think that anyone who has no interest in giving comments on beauty products should not be looking up this page anyway and would be more welcomed to give his/her comment on other pages. This is no place from a cynic.
Although La mer has done any great things for my skin, I still think it's unfair to judge people by prices of cream that they use. What an extreme way to view people!
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