Check out the Imaginary Socialite's post called The Ninth Circle.
I am a fan of her site and her writing. This particular post was the best yet.
photo from gettyimages.
Anyone know(besides Hirondelle) who this is?
No prize available but just a cyber slap on the back and the praise of your peers.
5 Inspired Comments:
i know i know who it is!
Spill the beans toots.
Mandy Rice-Davies, one of two socialites from England who were seminal (no pun intended - no, really) in the Profumo scandal.
i think she still owns some nightclubs in Tel Aviv...
You are correct Miss Lupa!
If I was a rich girl the prize would be a Guerlain bee bottle of your choice.
You need a buddy for your other Guerlain bottle.
I love this picture of Mandy. She looks so bored with the adoration.
LOL thank you Miss Annie! and honestly, i think she was, in a certain way ;) it made her appearance on AbFab all the more apt!
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