Today is the Bday of my one of my dearest friends. Can anyone guess her identity?
1. We met in 7th grade during choir practice. She sat in the back with her feet proped up on the pew. She was munching on Doritos. No nun scolded her. She was untouchable. I knew I had to be her friend. Clearly....she was the gradeschool mafia.
2. She had incredible style. Years ahead of her time. She rocked neon months before it showed up at the local Rave store.
3. She had red converse sneakers and her code name was commander salamander.
4. She handed me my first Vogue
5. She was the yearbook editor at my high school. She placed a very unflattering photograph of a rival next to mine. This was to always remind the boy that he chose ill.
Now that is a great friend!!!!
Happy Birthday you know who! Have a great day!
photo from about.com/Melvin Sokolsky
1 Inspired Comments:
You are correct!
It is Angela.
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