Midnight At The Black Nail Polish Factory: Chanel's Black Satin

I thought we should begin with the biggest nail polish story of the year. If you are a nail polish junkie then you know I am going to dish on Chanel's Black Satin.
It was a limited edition polish that was offered with the spring collection. This black polish is sold out across the country and has fetched prices of over $100 on Ebay. This has fueled the lemming on makeupalley and other beauty blogs. This frenzy is very similiar to the Chanel Vamp craze in the early 90's. According to Color Stories by Mary Lisa Gavenas, Vamp was created by a makeup artist backstage at a Chanel show. The makeup artist mixed a batch of almost black nail polishes and used it on the models for the show. Beauty Editors and photographers seized on the look and promoted it in their magazines. Chanel quickly released Vamp to capitalize on the buzz. Soon there were dupes in every nail polish line. It sold out as soon as it arrived at a Chanel counter. You had to be on a waiting list to get your hands on it. The height of its popularity arrived with the movie Pulp Fiction. Uma Thurman's character Mia Wallace wore it throughout the movie.
Today Black Satin is the new cult favorite. It is an impressive black polish. I thought it was a soot-like black(like ashes) color with a very subtle shimmer.
I thought it was one of the best blacks I had ever seen until I started researching for the blog. There are lovely vampish colors out there such as Milani's Black Magic and Misa's Wishing on a Star.
I will focus on each one this week.
Black Satin's pic from Bravo.com
Title is from a Death Ray for Davies song/album

Labels: black nail polish, Chanel
22 Inspired Comments:
Personally, I liked Vamp much better than Black Satin. Vamp had some red in it...
I'm actually wearing "Vamp," hee. It's my trademark: 99% of the time, it's the only polish I wear. I'm on my third bottle right now.
OPI's To Be 25 Again - is very Vamp-like, as well as Essie's Wicked. I love 'em both! I am wearing OPI's on my tootsies now.
And anon above, how in the world do you get your unused bottles of Vamp from not going bad over such a long period of time?
I remember waaaay back in the day when black nail polish (and also using white out on your nails) was all the rage. It just seems so funny to watch old trends come back around again. It makes me feel young...or old (?)
This weekend on makeupalley, Krakow (who has in my view never been wrong!! lol) said that Chanel is brining Black Satin back to the US. Hurray!!
Chanel's Black Satin isn't sold out yet here in Amsterdam so if you want a bottle for nail polish month I could help out... I'm actually more in love with their Rouge Noir. Rimmel's Black Satin is also a pretty close match.
I also found Estee Lauder's Plum Cassis. I was horrified to learn we are not getting the Amber Bronze II collection any time soon and High Gloss, which everyone has been raving about, hasn't made its way across the ocean either!
Today's color: Chanel's Lilac Sky.
Totally unrelated, but I can't believe you haven't mentioned the release of the Tocca fragrances!
I didn't think I would like the black nail polish, but I've been wearing it for a while now and it really works, especially with my dark fall wardrobe. I also like their new Splendeur color for this season. (That's what I'm wearing on my toes!)
OPI's Black Satin is one of my staples! I'm suprised I haven't heard more people wearing it as well... it's wonderful!
Black is a little too goth for me. I prefer the deep reds or vamps myself. I just bought and tried Essie Roc the Croc which is about as dark as I will go anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love black...just not on my nails.
Essie Wicked is a beauuutiful blood red polish. My absolute favorite. I've tried Rimmel's Black Satin but within a few uses the formula got very thick and goopy. It's also a very flat black: no shimmer and not a lot of shine either.
All this talk of Black Satin inspired me to break out my Chanel Night sky last week and do the toes. Love it, not as summery as m others, but then it's not summer anymore. This one is a fun one.
next maybe a deep purple black from hard Candy way back when they started.
I'm wearing Vamp too, on my toes. At least I think it's Vamp. I got it in the UK about a year ago and it's called Rouge Noir. It's still produced there so assuming anon went to Europe or just ebay, she/he could have found it fairly recently, just like I did.
Also, isn't Black Satin (without shimmer) still available in the EU?
griffie: I just mentioned Pat Benatar a few days ago. The D&G show made me think of her.
That is a great OPI shade. Right now I have fallen in love with a picture in dramaqueenie2's profile. Look at Misa's Wishing on a Star". It is gorgeous.
Erika: It was a lovely dark cherry. I was trying to remember how many coats I wore. I know it was more than two.
Anon: It is a great signature classic color! Still popular after all these years.
Teri: I almost wore that one this week. It is a great color!
Shannon: It made me feel old.
This whole 80's revival freaks me out. I lived through it once.
Anon: I have heard that too from local Chanel counters. I hope it is the original Black Satin. I am not sure I will like the European version. I like some shimmer in my polish.
Melvis: How did I know that you would comment on the bling?
Angie: I have heard there is a European Black Satin. It is a flat creme black color. I hope the Estee Lauder Bronze II collection comes your neck of the woods soon. The bronzer is a must have. I am addicted.
The Hugh Glosses are also an amazing product.
Mary: I mentioned them a little while ago. I was very lucky to have tested them.
Of course...Stella rocks! It comes out this month...in fact it might be available at beautyhabit right now.
Jen: Me too.
It looks great and fresh for fall. I had planned to wear a red next week but I might be too smitten with the dark polishes. I want to wear more!
Anon: That OPI is stunning. I am reviewing it tomorrow.
Lauren D: I will have to check out that Essie. Essie works well on my nails. Survives well during the work week.
Isabel: I plan to check out that Essie next week.
Thanks for the scoop on the Rimmel. I was curious about that one.
Hi D!
Wear the vintage Hard Candy next week! I would love to hear a review!
Muse: Yep! Thats Vamp.
Black Satin is still available in europe. I would LOVE to see a side by side comparison of both versions.
I don't get the hype. It's black nail polish! No nail polish is worth 100$!
Well I feel smart! :) Now I see that you posted about it at least 3 times. I've now place my order.
Li: Your 100% right.
Still...its selling like hotcakes. I think the words "discontinued" and "limited edition" make all of us lose our minds.
Mary: I hope you love it!!!! Stella lotion is one of my favorite things in the world.
Lotion: There are plenty of other nail polishes to love!!!
bring back hard candy's stop!
Btw, I found Vamp on the net. You can buy it at strawberrynet.net, and overseas it is called "Rouge Noir." Free shipping, no tax, and fast shipping... It's $17.50 or something like that. (Website is trustworthy. I also visited the place in Hong Kong.) Good luck!
anon1: I wish I had that kind of power.
Maybe I will do a post called "Bring it back" and see if we get any responses.
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!
I 2nd your rec for strawberrynet. It is a great site.
nordstorms.com has blacksatin right now! go order
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