JAR's Diamond Water

JARS scents are complicated, intriguing and one of the most hush hush fragrance lines I have ever encountered. This is not you every day "skull and bones" society-like company.
Behind the artful smoke and mirrors are some of the most amazing scents I have ever experienced.
I am a Nancy Drew kind of girl so give me a good mystery and I will crack the case. The JARS can not be solved. No amount of detective work, CSI, or pouring over Agatha Christie novels can get you the answers.
Your screwed.
You will never fully know what is in your fragrance.
You might smell honey...you might get a whiff of cinnamon but no one will ever fess up what is in the scent concoction. You just have to give up the questioning and lose yourself in the fragrance. It is easy to do.
JARS are not boring or run of the mill.
Some are unwearable and puzzling.
Some take your breath away with their beauty.
All of them command your respect as works of art.
Tbone insisted that I visit the JAR boutique when we were prowling the beauty floor at Bergdorf Goodman. She promised that it would be a scream and that the SA was lovely to look at. I love a good laugh and cute boys so there was no hand twisting to get me in there. There was a handsome man but there was no giggling.
The boutique is dark and strangely cavelike. The kind of cave that the musical artist Prince would live in.
I defy anyone to not think of the song Purple Rain when they visit.
The hustle and bustle of the beauty floor is strangely on mute in there. The SA is more than kind to share the JAR experience with the customers. He presents each scent with a flourish of the wrist. You want to clap and cheer it is done so well.
No matter how you to try to trick him...he never reveals one note.
Yell carnation...and he does not blink.
Coyly, mention cinnamon, and he shows not an ounce of emotion.
I tried all my Sherlock Holmes tricks but was foiled by his poker face.
The scent that I fell for was Diamond Waters. It was love and lust at first whiff.
Try as I might I can never get a full grasp of the notes. It is so well blended that it is seamless to me. The notes glide over one another. I get the peppery carnation and a subtle whiff of osmanthus. The rumored tuberose, honey, stocks and cinnamon notes might be there...but I am no nose. The best reviews that I have read on this have been at three perfume based blogs. They are Robin at Now Smell This, Victoria at Bois de Jasmin and Katie at Scentzilla. I have posted all three so you can see how stunning the fragrance really is.
Photos: Blogdorf Goodman

Disclosure: I received this as a fift from a friend. Best gift ever!
4 Inspired Comments:
Annie, I developed an instant crush on Diamond Waters, too. I also admired Golconda. I was horrified by Bolt of Lightning (but at least I had a strong reaction! you're right, these scents are anything but boring!) and I was repelled-yet-fascinated by Ferme Tes Yeux.
When I smelled Ferme Tes Yeux, I asked without thinking, "Does this have ylang ylang in it?" "Maybe..." replied the handsome JAR associate Franz with a sphinx-like smile.
I would love to experience this, but alas, there is no JAR boutique on the West coast.
However, a very dear friend sent me samples of Diamond Water and Shadow a few months ago. I gotta say, Annie, I was a bit underwhelmed.
But then again, I was not under the spell of that handsome SA. :):)
I would, however, love to test all of them, preferably with the handsome SA in attendance, lol!
I almost feel cheated: Am I the only one who hasn't met the handsome Franz? But, with or without him, Diamond Water was, indeed, lovely.
Annie, I have not tried Diamond Waters yet, but I just got the Tom Ford Black Orchard and its breathtaking! It lingers on and changes it's scent everytime...I absolutely love it! I have been wearing the same perfume for 4 years and alas found a new one which is not flowered down.
BTW, CHANEL is coming out w/ a new black nail polish w/ metallic...better get on the waiting list now!
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