Revved Up And My Toes Are Ready To Go

By Melanie Parker
Part of being a nail polish collector is the fun in matching nail colors to that of favorite items. I have many that match dresses, shoes, jewelry, walls in my home, and after a long search I finally found one that matches my car's paint. I know it sounds crazy, but I have actually used nail polish to touch up paint chips on my previous cars. My last vehicle matched Jane Hot Blooded and OPI Edin-burgundy--a shiny blue-based red. The car before that was Opening Night Champagne (a gold shimmer) , and the one before that was OPI Chick Flick Cherry (another blue-based red crème).
But my current car is British racing green, and it is not easy to find a decent green polish. Especially a blackened green in a vampy crème finish. For years, I told myself that Creative NFS was a match, but it is a blue-based green and has a slight shimmer. So, I kept looking and collected three that seemed like they may be matches: Chelsea Psycho Green, Anna Sui #915, and Nars Zulu.

I swatched all three of them, and they looked similar until I got them in the direct sunlight. The Anna Sui is the lightest of the three and the streakiest, but I like it best. It's a clover green crème. What can I say? Sometimes I like a challenge. Actually, any vampy crème color can be a challenge to apply because you run the risk of dragging the color at the cuticle as you attempt to build up an even coat of polish. I have this problem with many dark reds, so the Anna Sui is not alone in its streakiness. Zulu and Psycho Green apply smoother and are almost color twins, except the finish is much shinier with the Nars.
It feels good to discover that Nars Zulu is a color match. I went and got a pedicure with it today and the nail tech told me that I needed a flower because this was a Fall color. No way! There is no season that prohibits this green goodness. Another customer admired my deep, lush green toes and said, "Oh, that color makes me think of shopping. I miss Marshall Field's." I feel a little nostalgic when I see it, too. Not only does it match my British racer, but it is the exact color of the Marshall Field's shopping bags before they got switched over to Macy's branding and the Frango mint chocolate boxes. *sigh*
What nail polish best matches your car?
Labels: green nails, Melanie Parker Reviews, Nail Polish, Product Purchase
12 Inspired Comments:
What a great post! OPI came out with four polishes for the Mustang anniversary a few years ago and of course I had to have them. Even my husband understood that one, but that's only because it said Mustang :) Anywho...I picked up my new car last night and was shopping this weekend to find a polish that was going to match. OPI Private Jet has a touch too much sparkle but I'll keep looking.
Love, love, love your blog.
I've always wondered why car touchup paint is so expensive, when nail polishes offer so much more choice! I used to work at a place that sold home decorations, and when a beigy-gold ceramic vase got chipped, I discovered that my foundation mixed with a bit of shimmer was just the thing to conceal it! (We sold it at a discount, of course) I felt very McGyver that day.
Hmmm. I see a project here in my future! My car is a Hyundai Sonata and it's white, but which white? At times it appears to have a pearly finish.
My last three cars have been white!
The husband drives a Passport, and it is an odd green color that appears to be more teal in the sunlight.
Fun post, Melanie!
Maybe your car is like that new summer China Glaze (can't recall the name) or OPI Kyoto Pearl. Hubby's truck sounds like it could be Creative NFS or Sinful Daisy the Pig :^D
Nowadays, you can order touch up paint for the car online, so it isn't as tempting to use nail polish. Ha ha!
Hi! I hope you don't mind but I tagged you for a meme. Visit my site at - for details! :)
P.S. I love your site!!
Love that car, an older one, same color resides here too. Have to check out thast polish now :)
other car matches an Urban Decay in teal, can't remember the name.
I will keep in mind the nail polish as touch up paint, I have so mnay colors too, thats a good one.
Wonderful post..I have black Skoda,I never thought of matching my nail polish with my car color..But,You started it,here after I'll without my intention..
AA Breakdown Cover
Luckily I haven't had to do touch ups yet, but I think the best match is Zoya's Tart (that really nice iridescent blue).
fabulouse pedi!!!
Love your post. I have a white Prius and white nail polish is never appropriate. But my large collection of Chanel paolishes is.
In the 90's there was a line of polish that matched certain car paint colors but I can't remember the name of it. I bought some of the polish but sadly could not afford the car that matched :)
I know this is 4 years after your post, but these days- you could check out Butter London British Racing Green! :)
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