Let's Hear It For The Boys!

By Melanie Parker
Being an avid nail polish collector, I jumped on the chance to order some Boys in the Bottle nail polishes based on their online promotion. At http://www.boysinthebottle.com/, you can order up to 6 free polishes for the cost of shipping. If you take full advantage of the promotion, you pay $14.39 for 6 polishes, and the shipping is less depending on the quantity. My order arrived 14 days later.
I was most impressed with Mark in the Dark, which is a deep peacock green shimmer. Tony Teal is another must-have color from the collection. I regret not ordering G.I. Joe instead of the champagne glittery Boy Toy. Shy Guy is a great metallic warm red and Luck of the Drew is an interesting mid-tone lilac shimmer. But I was amazed by the vileness of the cutest named polish--Claude Nine. It is like a runny, yellowish foundation in the bottle. All of the other polishes are a normal consistency.
In this picture, you can see the bubbles in the polish. It is the consistency of milk in a glass. I never cared for Lippmann Collection The Way We Were, but Boys in the Bottle Claude Nine trumps it in the battle of the putrid nudes. BEHOLD, the world's ugliest polish:

Other than this one miss, I'd say that you should give the Boys a try!
Disclosure: This product was purchased by the reviewer, Melanie Parker.
Labels: Melanie Parker Reviews, Nail Polish, Product Purchase