MAC Creme Team launches today!
Lavender Whip might just sell out today. If you stop by your local MAC counter it is worth a swatch and a test.
It is a wearable and lovely lilac lippie.

Cremesheen Lipstick
Crème Cup Light blue pink
Shy Girl Creamy neutral coral beige
Crosswires Clean pinky orange
Lickable Bright clean blue pink(pictured)
Lavender Whip Light cool lavender (I predict this will sell out!)
Crème in Your Coffee Creamy mid-tone pink brown Spice is Nice Creamy dark warm brown
Hang-up Deep berry
Suggested Retail Price $14.00 U.S./$16.50 CDN
Cremesheen Glass
Ever So Rich Sheer lilac
This layers so well with Lavender Whip. It is milky and ghost-like.
Fashion Scoop Pale cool baby pink w/light pearl
Boy Bait Light neutral beige with pearl
Partial Pink Light creamy yellow pink with
light gold pearl
Melt in Your Mouth Mid-tone creamy cl ean pink
Petite Indulgence Mid-tone bright blue pink (pictured)
Fashion Scoop Pale cool baby pink w/light pearl
Boy Bait Light neutral beige with pearl
Partial Pink Light creamy yellow pink with
light gold pearl
Melt in Your Mouth Mid-tone creamy cl ean pink
Petite Indulgence Mid-tone bright blue pink (pictured)
Crème Anglaise Mid-tone neutral mauve
Looks Like Sin Sheer deep berry(pictured)
Suggested Retail Price $18.00 U.S./$21.50 CDN
Cremestick Liner
Sublime Culture Neutral pink
Pink Treat Dirty pink
Caramellow Neutral caramel
Velvetell a Blackened plum
Suggested Retail Price $14.50 U.S./$17.00 CDN
Let us know what you purchased from this collection in the comments!
Credits: Mac and Blogdorf Goodman
Disclaimer: A press sample of this product was provided by MAC
Labels: MAC Cosmetics, Press Sample
9 Inspired Comments:
I think I'll be checking out that Lavender Whip today!
Oooohhhh ... headed to our counter at lunchtime!
I purchased Lavender Whip and Ever so Rich last night on Really hope they don't pull the "item is sold out" thing on me (they did this to me once before, and I'm still paranoid).
Ooh, I'm loving that pink-y lipstick! I'm still mad at mac for getting rid of palatial, though.
LoveLoveLove this! Got Lickable and Petite Indulgence to wear together and Melt in Your Mouth for wearing on its own. Lickable + Petite Indulgence seems to be whats in the promo pic (the pink lips) and it looks gorgeous! I love the feel of the Cremesheen glosses - very soft and creamy.
I went to the Mac Hello Kitty Launch Tues night and bought Ever So Rich (AMAZING), Shy Girl (SO pretty) and am kicking myself for not buying Petit Indulgence. GAH why didn't I?!
But for those wanting Lavender Whip hold out and get Fashion Mews (from the Hello Kitty line) its the the same color but with a bit more color pay off.
I picked up Petite Indulgence--I loved how the bright pink looked on me.
I knew you'd post about these!
I am afraid of Lavender Whip, ever since my Gladiola misstep.
But I am fortunate to live somewhere so dowdy that there is rarely a run on the MAC counter, so I suppose I will check out this collection. Scoping out the MAC counter counts as a cultural outing here.
I bought Ever so Rich and Lavendar Whip and am in love! It's a great color, not too lavendar but just right.
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