Day 38: Red Lippies
by Makeupalley's Cavewoman
I can't think of any other makeup item that brings on more lively discussions than that of red lipstick. Some women wear nothing but reds, some say they've been searching for years for the perfect red, and some insist they can't wear a red lipstick. And what exactly IS red, anyway? Cherry reds, Ford Mustang reds, brights and darks, warms to cools, there are hundreds of reds to choose from. Finding the perfect red lipstick can take lots of research and trial-and-error, and for a non-red wearer, the effect is sometimes a bit of a shock. I've tried for years to pull off the red lipstick look. Somehow I thought that if I found the perfect red, I'd see a Dita Von Teese look staring back at me from my mirror. It hasn't happened yet.

In terms of red hues, what I have found is something rather odd. I always wear cool toned makeup shades, blue-based pinks and roses, and even cool eye and cheek colors. But on me, blue-based reds look harsh and hard and a bit too severe. I've tried so many of them, hoping for The One, but it never happened. Then I tried NARS Flaming Dust, a warm, bright red that looks frightening in the tube, but actually seemed to work better for me than the blue-reds. The only problem with Flaming Dust is that I am not fond at all of NARS lipsticks. My tube turned rancid on me within just a few months. So I set out to find another, a similar shade, but in a different brand.
My two best reds are both happy accidents. I loved the DiorRouge formula when it was launched a few years ago, and had heard that there were colors available in Asia that would never be sold in the USA. A quick visit to the strawberrynet website had me clicking on a color called Stage Red. I had no idea if what I saw on the monitor would be the color I'd receive, but I was curious enough (and free shipping is always enticing, isn't it?) -- and a week later, my new red was in my hands. And on my lips. Perfection! Bright, saturated, just a tad on the warm side but not orangey at all! I wore it around the house for a week just to get used to seeing myself with red lips.
The next perfect red that I found is a very strange acquisition. I had a swap request from a lovely lady on makeupalley. I found a Chanel lipstick on her list that I had never heard of before, and a formula that I had never tried. It is called Rouge Dentelle Red Lace. We made our swap, and Red Lace arrived. As soon as I opened the tube, I knew this was a great red for me. Very similar in shade to Stage Red, Red Lace is a bright neutral-to-warm color with the pretty, rose scent that I love about Chanel lipsticks. My swapper didn't know too much about the Rouge Dentelle lipsticks. I wrote to Chanel and was told that this particular shade was part of a holiday collection and (of course) was a limited edition. I'm grateful that my swapper was willing to part with this beauty! But I have never seen or heard of any other Rouge Dentelle from Chanel.
The new YSL Rouge Volupte line offers several true, fabulous reds. These are not for the faint of heart, they are bright and bold. A red lipstick lover will find a beauty here, and the formula is slick, glossy, and comfortable. Mine is #17, Red Muse. I haven't had the courage to wear it just yet.
You'll see a tube of the famous, long-gone Paloma Picasso Mon Rouge in the photos. I can't wear it and I can't part with it, either. It's the only lipstick she's ever done. I would consider swapping it for a piece of her Tiffany jewelry, though!
I have to admit to having a little pet peeve about red lipsticks. Indulge me for a moment here. Maybe it is my background in visual arts, or my years of studying color and design, but to me, red is red and red is not brown, orange, or pink. When I think of red lipsticks, it's got to be a clear, true red, leaning toward warm or cool but still staying within a true red range. Of course, there are color nuances and variations and there are hundreds of red lipsticks out there, but MAC New York Apple is not red to me, nor is Clinique Angel Red, I could go on and on but you get my drift.
Moving beyond the lippie comfort zone of pinks and roses isn't an easy thing for me to do, but it's fun. I'm happy to have found a few reds that look good on me. And I'm always glad to be red-lipstick-shopping with some friends who will be gently honest with me and let me know when it's not the right red. I still haven't achieved the Dita look, but I'm having lots of fun with reds.
Have you found your perfect red lipstick? What is it? Tell us all about it!
Labels: 40 Days and 40 Nights of Lip Service, Cavewoman Reviews
28 Inspired Comments:
Lipstick Queen Poppy King's Medieval is the only red lippie I have found that I can pull off because of the sheerness of the formulation. I also love NARS First Bite, but it is a very "browned" down red.
But I DID want to report to Cavewoman that I found the Diane Keaton Display last night. I think the store she found it in just had it out to early!
Thanks, Grl! I love your username, by the way!
To me, the Medieval wasn't a red at all! It was more a brown russet reddish I don't know! Everyone I know is insane over Medieval. I wish I could wear it.
Thanks for the update on the Keaton items! I've been finding them all over town now! I wonder if L'Oreal ever saw my original story!
Still searching and I own a few myself (including Medieval) but just haven't found "The One". I read a review on Perfume Posse a couple months ago where she described the perfect "Snow White" red. I think that will be my next attempt.
I can't do red at all, although I have tried brick. I find the application unforgiving (I color outside the lines, apparently) and I dislike the way red looks when it starts to wear off.
The bricks I've tried are from Bobbi Brown and they are chalky, as is also the case with Nars.
To my eye, red looks good with dramatic coloring (like Dita or Gwen Stefani) and very little in the way of eye makeup.
My browser has displayed all of your lipsticks as bright pink.
I am among the group who insist that I cannot wear red lipstick. I've tried several and they all looked horrible. My skin is very fair and pinkish (BlueRed if you ask Prescriptives and even they don't have a real red for my skintone). Medieval is on my list of things to try but it's not sold anywhere around here and I despise paying shipping. If you know anywhere that sells it and has free shipping please tell!
I've been meaning to tell you - Run Around Paris is a thing of the past! I hope you check out my new blog at thekarenchronicles.blogspot.com
It's all fiction this time!
Let's get together - I'm thinking Tokyo before he goes back to Japan :)
I just can't get myself to wear red lipstick. I feel like it is too harsh. Not only do I have fair skin, but also big teeth, so that my two front teeth are always magnets for red lipstick. Not a good look. I will stick to light colored lip gloss!
Believe it or not, I only have one red lipstick and one red gloss, but they are the PERFECT colour on me - they are MAC lipstick in Dubonnet and lipglass in Avarice. Every time I wear them I get compliments from everyone and get asked what I'm wearing so they can find some for themselves! They look dark on the swatches and even in the tube (almost a brick), but when applied, they give me the perfect true red! I wonder if it's because I'm so pale - I tried some other reds like Ruby Woo and found they all looked fuschia on me! I'm hoping to one day have a collection to rival yours, but for now I'm very happy with these colours :)
What no discussion of Julie Hewett?For years I tried various reds, but like you they seemed too harsh, but her Oona is perfect afterall this in the woman in charge of making red lipsticks for the Pearl Harbor movie.
Besame lipstick is THE BEST. Two great reds: Red Hot Red and Besame Red.
Incredible coverage, goes on easily, needs no lip liner, very comfortable and stays on. Plus beautiful color.
I highly recommend.
I'm one of those who can't naturally wear a red lip - the only way it works on me is if I make my own concoction, mixing it with a coloured gloss or another shade of lipstick!
Tragic!! ;-)
Kisses from Paris!
I have always, always wanted to wear red however, everytime I tried one on, it just wouldn't seem right. Sometimes it's the texture (too glossy or way too matte) Sometimes it was the tone..too pinkish red or too orange red. I'm also super picky about how lip colors look against my teeth. I'm always whightening my teeth so if a color makes them look not as bright white, it's a no go. That's why I always stay away from nudes, browns and oranges. I actually found my perfect red on your blog a month ago: McGrath's Max Factor Vivid Color in 44 ( Ms. Right). The formula is gorgeous!! It's a soft feeling matte that makes my smile even brighter. The texture is to die for. I feel like a Hollywood Scarlet from days past. I live in Michigan and could only find it at my local Meijer grocery store. I currently have two and hope this NEVER gets discontinues. I am in love forever. I'm also wondering if the Dolce & Gabbana lip line is similar in texture since it was made by McGrath too. Anyone tried it yet???
by the way...prior to finding this red i only wore berry shade. I even tried ysl volupte and found 17to be a bit bright on my medium complexion and the formula to be a bit to glossy for a red.
J'ADORE red lipsticks and I definetly can wear them.
I'm not afraid of them, they better be afraid of me, but here in my corner of the world it seems that everybody is on the nude/soft pink lips bandwagon and everytime I wear a red lisptick people do look at it. I get compliments, but I feel like they see me almot as an ET, lol.
My all time favorite was LancĂ´me Rouge Magnifique # 111, discontinued a few years ago. I still have three tubes. Holy Grail, perfect...
Since them I've found others reds I love.
- Mac Russian Red, which works really well on me;
- Clinique Pink Chocolate, which is not pink neither brown, but a beautiful warm red that goes with everything and justlits my entire face. My favorite those days
Oh, the Paloma red!! My first fancy lisptick, paid with my own money. The gorgeous gold package, those ginourmous add with pristine dressed up Paloma... Sigh.
I totally understand you about the true red. So hard to find...
Red lipstick is a classic and timeless cosmetic. To me, it epitomizes glamour and screams female like no other makeup. Right now I own MAC's Viva Glam V (the brick red) and Russian Red. The latter is a true red and would look stunning against fair skin and blonde/dark hair. As much as I love it, RR doesn't look that good on me. Viva Glam is a brown red and is definitely more wearable. I'm on a quest to find "the one".
I had good luck with NARS' Red Lizard -- I thought it was a true, 40s type red that worked on me. It looks incredible.
However, I make such a mess of applying it that I just never bother. :( I stick with the neutrals.
I do love Medieval, though -- I know it's "red" but it's not nearly as bold and showy. It's very natural, like a bitten lip, and it doesn't smear around. I just slap it on, and can go!
Haven't found a red that doesn't seem to make me look like a little girl who played in Mommy's makeup again...won't give up hope just yet :)
Haha, Suzanne I feel the same way!!
I still love and wear red though.
Some of my faves are Rimmel Balistic - it's a true drugstore find, and Delux Beauty Delbert, which is Drew Barrymore's fave and it's also sheer and gorgeous!
Sexy or Slutty? That's the question.
I wonder how one can wear red lipstick to look stylish
cool colors of lipsticks....Most of the girls prefere pink colors in lipsticks......
Yup i dont like red color lipsticks..i like naural color otherwise they look fake.....
Here are my favorite reds:
Lipstick Queen's Medieval Lipstick
Prescriptives Moonbeam Lipsgloss in Meteor
Reds (and dark plums) are my comfort zone: stains, lipsticks, glosses, tinted balms... I own very few pinks (incl. fuschia!), one nude, and no corals. Just last week, I dished out $40 for Chanel's Rouge Allure Laque in Coromandel. I love all shades of red, from dark and bluish to the bright and orangey; different shades make different statements. I hate muddied, browned reds.
I am still looking for The One, though :p
For those of you who live in Canada, the new Joe Fresh cosmetics line includes a tinted lip balm in Pomegranate, which is a lovely, builable, subtle, shiny red. It's really nice, I love the texture.
One of my favorite reds was Borghese's Opera Red, long gone now. It was gifted to me, so I never did think of stockpiling the blasted thing at the time.
I find the older I get, the more harsh red lippies look on me and tend to stay with berries, pinks, and even some corals (nods to Diane's Coral...I wonder if Diane even knew about this! LOL).
My current favorite red lipstick is one I actually stumbled upon at my local Big Lots store a while back...and yes, I DID stockpile this one...it's a Revlon Super Lustrous color called Volcanic Red and it's perfect on me...it's a soft red, not too cool, not too warm, perfect with my skin coloring. I do not look like Baby Jane in it...I love it and it was 2 bucks...can't beat that with a stick!
Patty G.
Definitely my Dubonnet red from MAC. I guard it jealously, use it sparingly and check the MAC website frequently to make sure it's not being discontinued! (They already discontinued my Studio Mist which was my HG foundation!! *pouts* )
Ever since I started working behind a makeup counter I have loved red lipstick! I never had the guts before and now I am obsessed. I have so many reds! My favorites are Clinique Red-y to wear because its a true blue red that lasts for hours! I also love Lancome's Valentine for the true orange red that warms up my complexion. Other favorites are Mac red she said, Clinique Party red and Nars Red lizard but that one feels so dry. Mac has the best long wearing reds with their pro longwear formula, I love the limited edition red flicker? I also love Shu Umera's red 165 for a buildable red lipstick. For a day friendly red I love Avon's cherry glisten--perfect for a natural red look.
Red lipstick is so glamorous and cab be worn in so many ways! I usually pair it with gold shadow and mascara or black eyeliner and mascara. Yes it can be high maintenance but its so worth it. I get compliments all the time. I think red never looks slutty, it looks classic. You have to have the attitude to pull it off, otherwise you won't feel comfortable. Its the easiest way to look put together--a dash of red on the lips! Love it!
I love all red lipsticks...one of my favourites is Nars Forbidden Red. I also love MAC's Ladybug (sheerer) and MAC's Lasting Lust. I also like Shu's Red 165, a true red.
I love the true blue reds but I am very pale, and as I age they're much less flattering.
And there are many more from my past, long discontinued.
I rarely wear anything but red, but if I have to be "up" to wear it.
I wish I could find a pink that worked on me, but as a redhead, they just look wrong.
Great 40 days posts! Thank you so much for doing the series.
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