Jungle Fever
James at Saks used it wet to line Griffie's lids. The effect was so gorgeous that we practically rang it up for for her. James uses saline solution instead of water because it somehow manages to make the shadow last through out the day with no smudges or flakes.
Credits: Blogdorf Goodman
Labels: Chanel, Griff, I do not own this
6 Inspired Comments:
anyone try the saline solution instead of water as liner? what saline solution is used?
Yeah, saline solution? I have never heard of that before. Would you use the type of saline solution that is used for contact lenses?
Anon1: Not yet. I plan to experiment soon.
Anon2: According to James...any.
I would go with soft lenses contact solution...but thats me.
please experiment & let me know.
how about using saline solution used in nasal sprays? it is cheaper than contact lens solutions.
Anon: I am going to say Nay on this. You want something a little more eye safe.
You can always get a travel size saline solution at Target or Walmart. They might be $2.
I always use saline solution instead of water for lining w/ wet e/l. It really seems to bring out the shadow color beautifully and help it stay put.
But you're right about the nasal spray- it contains chemicals that may not be eyesafe, so don't use it! Go with small bottle of generic contact lens solution- I get one at Target for around $2. Plus, you only need a drop or two each time, so that bottle will last forever. BTW, Visine or contact lens rewetting drops work well, too.
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