Day 10: Smells Like Lipstick

Scent in cosmetics is a tricky thing. Fans can be made or lost with a fragrant lippie. I am a huge fan of the fig based fragrance in most Estee Lauder lip products. I believe it should be bottled. However, many of my friends hate it with a passion. It actually prevents them from investing in the line.

Scent in cosmetics is a tricky thing. Fans can be made or lost with a fragrant lippie. I am a huge fan of the fig based fragrance in most Estee Lauder lip products. I believe it should be bottled. However, many of my friends hate it with a passion. It actually prevents them from investing in the line.
I am a fan of Nars lipglosses. I love the pigment and texture. The scent is a little off putting. It is a heavy plastic smell very similar to crayons. Urban Decay used to have awful smelling lip products. Today they smell and taste like cake. CoverGirl's Outlast lipstains smell like raspberry vanilla. YSL Golden Glosses have their fans and haters. They smell like tropical fruit. YSL lippies often smell like melons. MAC lipsticks almost always smell like vanilla. Becca adds caramel to their vanilla to give it an extra kick. Guerlain lipsticks are often scented with perfume quality violets.
Chanel and Lancome use the rose as their ingredient of choice to scent their products. Many fans swoon while others complain that it smells like their grandmother.
Scent is subjective.
What are your favorite smelling lippies? What are the worst?
Let us know in the comments.
27 Inspired Comments:
I love the Lauder fig scent too, I have often wished there was a fragrance to match!!!
it's not glamorous, but I'm still terribly fond of the smell of L'oreal lipsticks. MAC lipsticks I don't really notice, and Chanel smells cloying. Urban Decay doesn't seem to like my lips :/ Other lipstick lines seem to mainly consist of bright reds, pale reds, peaches, and pinks, which means I won't wear them. The Cult of Cherry lippies were dark and purplish-brown enough to work well!
My favorite smelling lipstick hands down is Lancome. To me it smells exactly like FM Lipstick Rose. My least favorite smelling lipstick is Bobbi Brown. It smells and tastes like licorice. I'm also not fond of the new YSL smooth lipsticks with their mango smell and taste, it's a bit overpowering.
I think that Revlon lipsticks used to smell really bad. I don't know if that's changed because I haven't used one since high school.
I can handle any lippie that has a "food" based smell, and I'm partial to the dessert-y ones (mac's vanilla). The Gurelain violet sounds interesting, I've never tried any of this brand. But I cannot stand the rose scent in any form of makeup. blech. The best lippies should be fragrance free or very sublte!!!
I'm the opposite of Risa -- I hate the L'oreal smell so much that I cannot purchase any of their lipsticks. I haven't bought any Anna Sui in years, but her rose-scented lipsticks were my fave.
maybelline moisture extreme lipsticks smell like melon...they make not be the best lipsticks, but they are the best smelling, and they are definitely very moisturizing. SO much better than the other drugstore brands.
I agree on the NARS lipsticks having a weird, icky smell. It fades quickly at least.
I love the way Laura Mercier's lipsticks smell -- I don't know if it's all of them, but the nude one smells like marshmallow or something sweet. It's not overpowering and it just makes me feel good.
My favourite is Chanel Rouge Hydrabase, the rose scent, but I don't like Rouge Allure. MAC comes in second as my favourite. I have a Guerlain Kiss Kiss Maxi Shine which smells fruity, and I don't like it. I won't get another Guerlain again. I don't like Estee Lauder too.
The Lancome lippie fragrance is vile and I've stopped purchasing their products as a result. It's unfortunate because I owned some lovely colors but even bringing the tube near my nose was offensive.
I second Maybelline Moisture Extreme -- I despise melon AND cucumber, and this lipstick smells of both, but...it still manages to smell really good. Magic.
My #1 scent: Guerlain's KissKiss Gloss! It reminded me of the Meteorites lipgloss that's been long discontinued. I like KissKiss lipstick as well. Special place in my hear goes to old Dior Rouge because it reminded me of the Dior lipstick my mom had when I was a child, white case with navy band. Oh, memories.
Does anyone remember the good old days when Lancome lipsticks smelled of the moisturizing grape seed oil they contained? Or am I showing my age again? I loved those, they were by far my favorite. For some reason they changed the formula many years ago.
The worst? No contest - Tabu lipstick by Dana - the combination of the heavily pigmented lipstick and the perfume smell made my mouth itch and swell. And I don't much like Tabu anyway.
Lancome does smell like grandmas....
My favorites are the soft-fruity-vanilla scent from paul and joe lip gloss (don't like the gloss itself), Anna Sui rouge (the rose scent bothers me when they put it in eye shadow though) , the jelly balm from l'oreal, Sally Hansen lip products and the fresh cherry fragrance of Stila Cherry Crush...
Some Juicy tube from Lancome smells really nice, like Kiwi Slice and Lemon Sugar, while I found the other disgustingly sweet...
I personally hate the figgy smell of the Lauder lipsticks, but I recently found a perfect pink in that line and I bought it, despite the scent. I have to pinch my nose shut when I am applying it!
I love the smell of the Estee Lauder, L'oreal, Lancome, and Revlon. What is interesting, is that I never wear lipstick, just gloss. I have worn just gloss for years now. My favorite gloss is Victoria's Secret, Clinique Super Balm, Lancome's Juicy Tube, and Chanel.
I intensely dislike any lipstick with a vanilla scent. It makes me think of the Bath & Body Works lip balms I wore in high school. Ick. Not a big fan the figgy Lancome smell either.
I like the MAC vanilla-ish scent, and I don't mind the Chanel rose scent. I think the worst lippies for smell are NARS and some Laura Mercier lipsticks-- for LM, I think the Sheer lipcolors were the worst of the bunch.
I like mark. lip colors' smell...It smells like mint. Very smoothing and calming smell.
Ughh, I hate the L'oreal lippies' smell. Lancome is only a bit better. It smells like old lady perfume. I'm loving the YSL Rouge Allure smell, but mostly I want lippies not to smell. Although Origins used to have a figgy smell that was nice and I like the Laura Mercier scent as well.
Love the Lancome scent. It's so soft and delicate to me.
I love the scent of Lancome, Chanel and L'Oreal lippies. I hate the smell of Revlon lipsticks, and I wish I didn't because they sometimes come out with some good seasonal or LE colors. MAC definitely has a scent. but I find it very non-obtrusive.
I love the Lancome lippie smell...and FM Lipstick Rose is my favorite perfume. I despise Estee Lauder's smell. I usually don't like food smells, and only tolerate MAC's vanilla smell because the colors are so great. But I love Loreal HIP liquid lip color...smells like roasting marshmallows over a fire when they start to turn brown....love it.
Cover Girl True Shine lipsticks smell the worst... like a combination of old bandaids and honeydew. Blecch! At first, I thought I had bought a lipstick that had gone bad, but the next time I bought a tube, it smelled the same way.
Chanel lipstick: I actually tossed some because of the fusty rose scent! I'd forgotten about it until visiting the Chanel counter yesterday, where I almost bought another tube. Then--the smell, and it all came back. The (wonderful, long-time) Chanel saleswoman insisted three time that it was fragrance free, but it is NOT, though I didn't argue. (They put in fragrance to make cosmetics seem fragrance free.) I agree about Bobbi Brown lipstick. I like the consistency, too.
I sort of liked the smell of Revlon lipsticks. But my favorite lipstick scent of all time is Yardley Slicker Lip Polish. I would do almost anything to smell that again.
I hate rose scents. But I love my lips to look like rose petals. My fave is between Mac's vanilla smell ( I love that I can't taste their lipsticks at all and the smell goes away) and Estée launders. Yum. Lancôme lipsticks are gross and I find them cheap feeling
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