Day 39: Blogdorf Goodman and The Holy Grail

Makeupalley defines the term "holy grail" as a sacred cosmetic product that is the object of a mystical quest by beauty addicts and junkies. Hardcore beauty consumers strive to find the one perfect product that will deliver bliss and fulfillment. We join pilgrimages to the holy land, New York City, to visit counters at the beauty temples.
The expeditions have many dangers to the wallet and to the soul.
The search for the "holy grail" anything does not come cheap.
My journey to find the holy grail lippie had a wonderful fairy tale happy ending.
Lancome's Behnaz is my silver chalice, my rosebud and my maltese falcon.
It is the perfect red.
What is your holy grail lipstick or gloss?
If you have found your holy grail, how many times have you repurchased it?
Tell us everything in the comments.
Credits: I want to thank Melanie Parker for the awesome 40 Days lipstick graphic along with the Behnaz & Dante Rossetti.
Labels: 40 Days and 40 Nights of Lip Service, Behnaz, Lancome, Press Sample
23 Inspired Comments:
Mine was Chanel's Silver Mauve. I went through four tubes of it. It's been discontinued for like, 8 years now... and I've never found another grey-pink quite like it. It makes most people look like an alien, but it was really flattering to my nuclear winter complexion.
I would say YSL Pur Gloss #4 Raspberry and eventually Rouge Volupte Lipstick #8 Fetish Pink when I have money
Yesterday's great posts inspired me to put on red lipstick today and I chose MAC Port Red. I guess that's my HG, since this is the only lipstick so far I have ever bought a back-up of. Not that I think I'll ever run out, only very occasionally do I wear red, but I'm scared about losing it or breaking it...
My holy grail of lippie is Mac's Gel. I think I went through about six tubes. It is a combo of peachy brown gold nude. Love that color! I also have bought about three tubes of Mac's lipglass called C-Thru. A definite beige/white nude lipgloss!
Mine is a discontinued Guerlain Terracotta lipgloss in Terre du Sud. I purchased this in 2005, at Christmas. I'd never worn lipgloss before; I was a diehard matte lipstick wearer. So I bought this and promptly decided it was de trop--too silvery, shiny, and brown.
Almost gave it away, but then tried it again. I only needed to give it a chance. Of course I quickly found out it was discontinued. I later found the odd tube on UK eBay and bought as warranted. I think I have six back-ups now. Nothing comes close. I've tried to find more readily available products, but nothing has the rosy undertone Terre du Sud has. Bonus: It's like a liquid lipstick and wears beautifully.
HG runner-up is Bobbi Brown Cocoa Sugar, despite the brush. This has a mauve undertone and is quite wet-looking when applied.
My holy grail lipcolor is Clinque Rose Spectrum. It wears great, no lip liner needed!Has a subtle shimmer but nothing over the top. I am on my third tube with a backup in my makeup drawer. I am always keeping an eye out to make sure it isn't discontinued. I would be devestated!
Becca Maraschino lipgloss - perfect sheer reddish gloss...makes a natural lip the way I wish my natural lip color was. Still hunting the perfect nude lipstick.
eh, this is a toughy... i can't answer. if you ask me which brand, then i might be able to say...
i have to say that i love YSL Rouge Pure Shine #16 the best so far. But it may tie with my el cheapo Arissa Studios and L.A. Girl Lip Palettes...
Lord & Berry Ultimate Lipstick Luxury (Fat Pencil) in "Blush", it's like my lips, only better and for some reason makes them look HUGE! But it's not a plumper at all...go figure. Thought it was long gone, but inspired by this blog I hunted and found it and many other DC's on beautyencounter.com...hooray!
Sadly the one I can never replace is Clinique's "Mauve Crystal", even as a counter mgr. for the company I am powerless, I will hold on to the now unuseable stub forever.
Up until recently I would have declared MAC Sweetie to be my HG shade of lipstick. But then I found YSL Rouge Volupte #3 Ultimate Beige, and that came close to being perfect. Recently I found MAC Viva Glam VI Special Edition and I do solemnly declare it to be my HG. There, I said it!
Hi, Annie. We've been loving 40 Days/40 Nights. What a great idea. I don't have a Holy Grail lipstick, but I use my Behnaz VERY sparingly. I thought of you the other day when I was in a Club Monaco. A woman came in the store and asked the sales associate for the lip gloss that Monica Lewinsky wore during her Barbara Walters interview! When was that? 1999?
MAC Bunny Pink. 5 tubes. One left, untouched.
MAC 3N lipstick...the perfect milky pink of my dreams!! I bought 10 tubes when it came out last spring and just when I ran out of those I found a stash at the Cosmetics Company Outlet. I let out enough of a gasp that the clerk asked if I was okay. I took all they had (6)...and bonus, just $10 each outlet price! I'm down to my last two...boo.
I haven't found an HG yet, but I recently acquired Dior's Addict lipcolor in Bronze Gallant which is pretty damn good.
Chanel lip gloss in Spark. Just a very pretty color that goes well on a variety of complexions.
Mine is MAC Bendel Girl lipglass... I'll be a mess when I run out of it :(
My newest holy grail lippy is actually the new Diane's Coral from L'Oreal.
For some reason, this color rocks my world!
Patty G.
I only wear Red and have two shades that have never failed me.
While I am a MAC addict and have some lovely reds from them both holy grails are Chanels
Shanghai Red for Business. Not day. Business. I have never failed to seal a business deal wearing it. Maybe its the confidence who knows.
Audace for Pleasure. First recommended to me by a Frenchman when it was only available in paradise and only had a number. I have NEVER failed to seal the deal wearing this either. I am 4/4 here. No joke. This one has mojo as this is FAR FAR from my normal success rate in this dept.
I am not predisposed toward Holy Grails (I crave variety), but I have found Chanel's Rouge Hydrabase in Splendeur to be an amazingly fulfilling lipstick! A vibrant hot pink, it manifests many of the characteristics attributed to red lippies, the confidence, the stand-out color, the boldness! It looks particularly amazing with a black, broad-brimmed hat! I will always need a slew of vari-colored lip products, but I will always own a Splendeur!
My HG was LancĂ´me Rouge Magnifique # 111. Discontinued, of course, but I still have two perfect tubes left. It is the most flattering true red on me. REAL red.
My other two HG are Clinque Pinck Chocolate, which not pink ofr chocolate on me, but a red brick that lifts my entire face. I get tons of complements. Also YSL Rouge Personnel # 3, it is the best pink nude ever.
I envy women who can pull off red lips because I sure can't. My lips are too full and puffy. Neutral shades look best on me. Safe and boring. *yawn*
That Club Monaco lipstick was called Glaze and it was WONDERFUL. She wore it with Angel (also CM) on top. I went through 4 tubes of it. (I have the same coloring as Monica and it was so flattering) I miss it.
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