-Breakfast at Tiffanys
Rock the Gloss Challenge for Thursday August 10th 2006:
I am wearing Tom Ford's Estee Lauder lip shine in Coralee. This is from the Azuree collection.
It is a great sheer orange coral in a pretty compact.
What is your lippie today?
photo: annie
Disclosure: A press sample of this product was provided by Estee Lauder
Labels: Estee Lauder, Press Sample
9 Inspired Comments:
Hi there!
What a pretty color in that compact!
Today I'm wearing Arden lipliner in Blush & Origins flower fusion lipstick in Tea rose. The flower fusion lipsticks are very emollient and creamy. I think they might have shea butter in them. Very nice!
My lips are outlined today in Guerlain Cupidon and filled in with MAC Pink Apertif. It's a very glowy look, but I don't think it'll have much staying power. I'm guessing that by 11:00 a.m. I'll be applying the Sophisto that's in my purse just to have some color.
I've loved lipstick since I was 13 (truth be told, I have loved lipstick since I first laid eyes on it from my cradle). And now, almost 40 years later I still love it profoundly. There's not another makeup item that revs me up quite like lipstick or gloss.
That is one of my favorite quotations *ever*! So true.
Today I'm wearing Paul & Joe lipstick in shade #30, Vin Rouge. This is one of my HG lipsticks. The name is misleading; it's more of a neutral, creamy taupe-rose than a wine color.
Neutrogena Sheer Blush lipstick and Chic gloss. Drugstore products that look good and wear well...gotta love 'em.
Such a pretty color! I'm afraid of that truly orange color, though. I have an orangey Nars lipgloss (Babe?) that's completely fab and yet every time I put it on it strikes me as too much and I wipe it off.
Today's mouth: Chantecaille lipstick in Galaxy with a little Revlon Superlustrous Cherries in the Glow over it. I'm repeating myself. I need to collect all the lip things in one place and take a good inventory and find out what I need to use.
I started off this morning with VS Mirror Mirror in Pink Slip and Philosophy The Supernatural in Clear. Pink Slip is pretty old,I found out today that VS don't stock it any more but are repackaging and reformulating their line. So today in VS I purchased and put on Aura Science True Red and Beauty Rush in Watermelon. I finally found my perfect red!!
Today is Chanel Aqualumiere in Yucatan. A very interesting color... sheer and light, feels more glossy than lipstick-y. A bronzey brown w/ a mauve undertone.
Hello, this is so much fun! Today (my last day at work before uni starts again) I'm wearing max factor color perfect in red (classic red color) and my lips are lined with avons glimmerstick (first) and lipliner from academie in classic red. Trying to put some glamour into a boring day:)
That is my absolute favorite Lip Gloss! My only regret is that I did not purchase it in that compact! They only had it in the tube, but I was in Lima, so....
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