40 Days and 40 Nights of Beauty Cult Classics
Day 31, OPI's Rainforest by Michelle Mismas from
All Lacquered Up - A Polish Fanatic's Resource
As with any cult classic, it starts with a small group of fanatics and builds from there. When it comes to green nail polish I am most definitely a fan and OPI’s Rainforest is a rock star. Back when the MUA Nail Board was young the original “green queens” included DQ2, Giggles, SpeakerPunk and myself. We were passionate about our love of green polish yet hard pressed to find a truly great shade. And then came Rainforest. It appeared as just a bottle pic on the board but that was all we needed to begin the hunt. Somehow it has snowballed into a phenomenon that can only be outdone by the frenzy Chanel Black Satin caused last year. The only difference, Rainforest has staying power.
Even for girls that aren’t into green polish, this emerald sparkler has become a holy grail and sought after shade. There is something about a genuine jewel tone that draws people in. You imagine matching it to your ring, a bracelet, your sweater, etc. and once you see it on the nail, you fall in love. It is one of the beloved discontinued OPIs that sparked the “dusty hunting” trend; the practice of stalking old (dusty) nail shops in the hopes of discovering a hidden gem. It’s your only hope for avoiding the eBay scalpers and their ridiculous prices. I was fortunate to score my bottle at a local nail shop for only $3. It was used but no less loved.
Unfortunately the history of Rainforest is murky. The collection it came from is unknown. There were hopes that the OPI anniversary book would solve that mystery but alas, we are left to wonder how and when it came to be. If anyone knows the origin story, please share.
Credit: Michelle Mismas
As with any cult classic, it starts with a small group of fanatics and builds from there. When it comes to green nail polish I am most definitely a fan and OPI’s Rainforest is a rock star. Back when the MUA Nail Board was young the original “green queens” included DQ2, Giggles, SpeakerPunk and myself. We were passionate about our love of green polish yet hard pressed to find a truly great shade. And then came Rainforest. It appeared as just a bottle pic on the board but that was all we needed to begin the hunt. Somehow it has snowballed into a phenomenon that can only be outdone by the frenzy Chanel Black Satin caused last year. The only difference, Rainforest has staying power.
Even for girls that aren’t into green polish, this emerald sparkler has become a holy grail and sought after shade. There is something about a genuine jewel tone that draws people in. You imagine matching it to your ring, a bracelet, your sweater, etc. and once you see it on the nail, you fall in love. It is one of the beloved discontinued OPIs that sparked the “dusty hunting” trend; the practice of stalking old (dusty) nail shops in the hopes of discovering a hidden gem. It’s your only hope for avoiding the eBay scalpers and their ridiculous prices. I was fortunate to score my bottle at a local nail shop for only $3. It was used but no less loved.
Unfortunately the history of Rainforest is murky. The collection it came from is unknown. There were hopes that the OPI anniversary book would solve that mystery but alas, we are left to wonder how and when it came to be. If anyone knows the origin story, please share.
Credit: Michelle Mismas
18 Inspired Comments:
This nail polish color is very unique. I am not sure that too many people would actually wear it though. Most people would probably be afraid to actually go to a nail salon and get green nail polish. So many people are too concerned with how others view them, which probably caused this color to become discontinued. People are begining to change their styles though. You often see people wearing navy blue nail polish now, Russian Navy by O.P.I, so maybe this rainforest color could become popular again. Not sure though.
I have been hunting for this one for a while....no luck though. It's such a great shade.
I'm too chicken to wear blue or green out much (not where I work!) but this is beautiful, and if it weren't DC'd I'd buy it. Probably look at it a lot at home, love it, eventually have the courage to wear it on the weekend.
A, thanks for asking me to participate in your Cult Classics. I'm such a fan of yours so getting to share my Rainforest love with your readers is a privilege.
Its a beautiful color for a shirt and possibly for the week of St. Patrick's day, but I would never wear such a color otherwise. I like to stick to either picks or dark colors such as Midnight in Moscow.
Although it seems like green would be a hard color to wear, since I have started to collect them, I have found there are many times throughout the year that they are appropriate--St. Patrick's day, Spring when the flowers are starting to bloom and the grass is turning green again, and of course Christmas. During those times, I find that my tips or toes can bask in the glory that is a great emerald or kelly green hue without being self-concious (even at work).
While I have never found Rainforest, I have received the Nicole version called Jaded, which was a treasured gift from Michelle Mismas! There are also some other great greens that are more readily available. Sinful Colors, which is available at drug stores like Walgreen's, has 2 great greens: San Francisco (a deep blue-based green shimmer) and the new Show Me the Way (a gold-based green shimmer).
Liva la verde!
that's one beautiful green nailpolish. A lemming is born. A dc lemming, too, darn it.
I definitely would not say it is a unique color. I literally have a bottle of N.Y.C. Color nail polish that is exactly the same shade. But I love it =)
Very bold choice, but what a gorgeous green!
Annie, may I suggest something? I love your blog and sometimes I want to find an old post, a certain subject and it's a bit hard. Would you consider creating one of those search boxes?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone here knows of an OPI shade called I Love Oklahoma. I saw it in a nail shop in China but didn't buy it because I thought it was a widely available shade. It's a beigey-pink shade (light on the pink) with hints of gold.
Sorry, nope. And this is coming from a girl who stockpiled on OPI Russian Navy.
To me, it just seems that green np is just "wrong" and can never be appropriate for anything. If black or navy polish and their variations can still be appropriate and look great, green np just makes me think of witches.
BTW: Love this idea of "40 days"! Can you extend it?
What a fabulous color! Thanks to Michelle for the photo and the review! And a huge thank you for the Nubar Foundation Base Coat which has truly saved my nails.
This green is such a fun color, I can totally see wearing it, or other unusual colors, for Summer fun! And it would be perfect on toes!
Q: "an OPI shade called I Love Oklahoma... It's a beigey-pink shade (light on the pink) with hints of gold."
A: Nope, I have never heard of that shade. It wasn't in the Broadway collection released here in the USA, for sure. But sometimes Nicole has colors that are duplicates of OPI colors, so you might want to check that line and see if you can find one that is similar.
other anon: You say green reminds you of witches like that's a bad thing. Think Glinda, Samantha Stephens, Sabrina, etc. I'd take an emerald green over a navy or purple any day!
I love OPI. I'm a writer and when I was in high school, I was sure I would become an OPI Nail Polish Namer when I grew up.
No such luck, but I do enjoy wearing the creatively named lacquers. My faves are Lincoln Park After Dark, Russian Navy, INRAW and of course, Bubble Bath.
I do like the Rainforest too. Now I won't be able to sleep until I find my own bottle. Thanks a lot!
"an OPI shade called I Love Oklahoma... It's a beigey-pink shade (light on the pink) with hints of gold."
There is an I love yokohoma...but it was an asian exclusive opi and not sold in the US. It fits the color description tho ;) hope that helps!
I have the same problem with a Rimmel colour I had that broke (there was tears!! :O ) I cannot remember what it was called at the moment, but it was AMAZING!! Rimmel this year brought out a greenblue in the 60sec range, but its not the same. I digress. I find that the colour there is very similar to Nails Inc's "Ascot", which is my current fave. Try t :)
Purchased RAINFOREST for SC state soccer tournament [DSC 90 Green] - found it at a salon inside Walmart in Rock Hill, SC & it was NOT cheap!! However, it was a good luck charm, was great for Christmas & St. Pats Day. I always get compliments on it!
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